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dead gay heart
Community Member

9 posts
826 points
Hi! I am a lgbtq+ activist and supporter!! As well as supporting the lgbtq+ I love talking to new people so if you ever want to talk email me lol @burgundybr8@gmail.com Love u all💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🌹🌸🌺🥀🌈😈😈😈💋

dead gay heart • upvoted 4 items 3 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Annoys You But It Seems Good To Others?
Pet names....ik most people want to be called baby or babe or babygirl or princess but that just makes me want to jump off a cliff like use the name that was given to me. I’m not a child so don’t call me one..
What Is Something That Annoys You But It Seems Normal/Good To Others
I can't stand when people insult tik tokers or tik tok in general. If you don't like people dancing or doing trends then just ignore it. Most people on it are teens that already have enough on their minds and they don't need a bunch on annoying people who have nothing to do with them put them down more. What have they done to you? Danced better than you? Looked better than you? Had fun without your consent? They aren't bothering you so back off.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Annoys You But It Seems Good To Others?
Pet names....ik most people want to be called baby or babe or babygirl or princess but that just makes me want to jump off a cliff like use the name that was given to me. I’m not a child so don’t call me one..
What Is Something That Annoys You But It Seems Normal/Good To Others
I can't stand when people insult tik tokers or tik tok in general. If you don't like people dancing or doing trends then just ignore it. Most people on it are teens that already have enough on their minds and they don't need a bunch on annoying people who have nothing to do with them put them down more. What have they done to you? Danced better than you? Looked better than you? Had fun without your consent? They aren't bothering you so back off.Show All 4 Upvotes

dead gay heart • submitted a list addition 3 years ago

dead gay heart • commented on a post 3 years ago

dead gay heart • submitted 2 new posts 4 years ago

dead gay heart • submitted 10 list additions 4 years ago

dead gay heart • upvoted 20 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas, To You, What Is The Meaning Of Life?
There isn’t a meaning to life if you truly think about it. Life is different for everyone. No ones life meaning is the same to another persons, each day is our meaning. Every breath we take, every step we walk, every thought we think, every decision we make is our meaning. The meaning of life is well it’s all of us we mean more life than we think.
Hey Pandas, To You, What Is The Meaning Of Life?
There isn’t a meaning to life if you truly think about it. Life is different for everyone. No ones life meaning is the same to another persons, each day is our meaning. Every breath we take, every step we walk, every thought we think, every decision we make is our meaning. The meaning of life is well it’s all of us we mean more life than we think.
Hey Pandas, What Are The Best Life-Changing Books?
A.E Murphy’s Naked or Dead...it shines light in mental health in a way that has a very interesting twist
Fails, Funny
50 People Who've Hit New Levels Of Cringe And Got Posted In The 'Cringetopia' Online Group (New Pics)

Social Issues
This School In Vermont Has Been Installed In A Former Macy's And The Vibe Is Unlike Anything Else, Not Only Because Of The Escalators (20 Pics)

Hey Pandas, Make A Funny Lgbt Joke (But Make Sure It's Friendly)
Lesbians can’t do math Bc i know that 7x7 is 43 or is it 48 no I’m stupid it’s 47 *grabs calculator* Crap it’s 49Show All 20 Upvotes

dead gay heart • commented on 2 posts 4 years ago

dead gay heart • submitted a list addition 3 years ago

dead gay heart • submitted 19 list additions 4 years ago

dead gay heart • commented on a post 3 years ago

dead gay heart • commented on 19 posts 4 years ago

dead gay heart • upvoted 4 items 3 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Annoys You But It Seems Good To Others?
Pet names....ik most people want to be called baby or babe or babygirl or princess but that just makes me want to jump off a cliff like use the name that was given to me. I’m not a child so don’t call me one..
What Is Something That Annoys You But It Seems Normal/Good To Others
I can't stand when people insult tik tokers or tik tok in general. If you don't like people dancing or doing trends then just ignore it. Most people on it are teens that already have enough on their minds and they don't need a bunch on annoying people who have nothing to do with them put them down more. What have they done to you? Danced better than you? Looked better than you? Had fun without your consent? They aren't bothering you so back off.
dead gay heart • upvoted 16 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas, To You, What Is The Meaning Of Life?
There isn’t a meaning to life if you truly think about it. Life is different for everyone. No ones life meaning is the same to another persons, each day is our meaning. Every breath we take, every step we walk, every thought we think, every decision we make is our meaning. The meaning of life is well it’s all of us we mean more life than we think.
Fails, Funny
50 People Who've Hit New Levels Of Cringe And Got Posted In The 'Cringetopia' Online Group (New Pics)

Social Issues
This School In Vermont Has Been Installed In A Former Macy's And The Vibe Is Unlike Anything Else, Not Only Because Of The Escalators (20 Pics)

dead gay heart • 82 followers