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banana mcnana
Community Member
2 posts
118 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
banana mcnana • commented on 28 posts 3 years ago
Show All 28 Comments
banana mcnana • upvoted 11 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Worst Experience With A Bully And How Did You Resolve It?
once had a jerk class mate who all the teachers adored so she got away with everything super mean to me. my solution was to pick up spiders and just hold them and watch her come over to pick on me and i would just hold up the spider in her face and watch her scream and jump back after about 4 or 5 times she did not pick on me or my friends ever againHey Pandas, What Is Your Worst Experience With A Bully And How Did You Resolve It?
once had a jerk class mate who all the teachers adored so she got away with everything super mean to me. my solution was to pick up spiders and just hold them and watch her come over to pick on me and i would just hold up the spider in her face and watch her scream and jump back after about 4 or 5 times she did not pick on me or my friends ever again Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Worst Experience With A Bully And How Did You Resolve It? (Closed)
Celebrities, Entertainment
50 Actors Who "Understood The Assignment" And Showed What Being An Actor Is Truly About
Show All 11 Upvotes
banana mcnana • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
banana mcnana • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
banana mcnana • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
banana mcnana • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
banana mcnana • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Worst Experience With A Bully And How Did You Resolve It?
once had a jerk class mate who all the teachers adored so she got away with everything super mean to me. my solution was to pick up spiders and just hold them and watch her come over to pick on me and i would just hold up the spider in her face and watch her scream and jump back after about 4 or 5 times she did not pick on me or my friends ever again Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Worst Experience With A Bully And How Did You Resolve It? (Closed)
Celebrities, Entertainment
50 Actors Who "Understood The Assignment" And Showed What Being An Actor Is Truly About
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