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Freddie Mercury
Community Member
16 posts
333 points
follow queen on tiktok, youtube, instagram, and any platform where they have an account.
Freddie Mercury • upvoted 28 items 1 year ago
"Was stoned and listening to jazz and cooking with friends once. We got really into it and we were dancing around to the jazz and seasoning/spicing the food as we felt fit. We came up with the idea for a restaurant where all the chefs are stoned and allowed to freestyle. You order a dish and tell them what music to infuse it with. They put on that music, and get in the groove. And make your dish with the vibe that they’re feeling."Amazing-Ideas-While-Drunk
"Picking a different disease or illness each year and having a global competition to solve it. COVID made it seem like with everyone focused on one goal it gets solved faster."Show All 28 Upvotes
Freddie Mercury • commented on a post 1 year ago
Freddie Mercury • upvoted 11 items 2 years ago
Show All 11 Upvotes
Freddie Mercury • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Freddie Mercury • submitted 19 list additions 3 years ago
Freddie Mercury • commented on a post 1 year ago
Freddie Mercury • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
Freddie Mercury • commented on 12 posts 3 years ago
Freddie Mercury • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
"Was stoned and listening to jazz and cooking with friends once. We got really into it and we were dancing around to the jazz and seasoning/spicing the food as we felt fit. We came up with the idea for a restaurant where all the chefs are stoned and allowed to freestyle. You order a dish and tell them what music to infuse it with. They put on that music, and get in the groove. And make your dish with the vibe that they’re feeling." Freddie Mercury • is following 16 people
Freddie Mercury • 58 followers