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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

bitterbirdy reply
Humoring rude or pushy people.
If a stranger asks me weird questions or tries persistently to make small talk, I'm forced to make at least a couple of polite, inconspicuous attempts to extricate myself without calling them out, just to save THEIR face.
Dude, I nodded, smiled blandly, and turned away *twice*. I put earphones in. Why are you still trying to make eye contact and force me to take them out again by talking at me? Elderly people are very good at this. Sometimes better than pushy men.
I want permission to directly tell someone, "I don't want to talk" straight away, without being labeled rude and b****y.

bitterbirdy reply
Humoring rude or pushy people.
If a stranger asks me weird questions or tries persistently to make small talk, I'm forced to make at least a couple of polite, inconspicuous attempts to extricate myself without calling them out, just to save THEIR face.
Dude, I nodded, smiled blandly, and turned away *twice*. I put earphones in. Why are you still trying to make eye contact and force me to take them out again by talking at me? Elderly people are very good at this. Sometimes better than pushy men.
I want permission to directly tell someone, "I don't want to talk" straight away, without being labeled rude and b****y.