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AzzyIsHere (They/he/it+xenos)
Community Member
Your alien rabbit friend!! I got locked out of my other account, so I'll have to use this as an alt until I can get back in :( --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full list of pronouns!! They/them/theirs/themself He/him/his/himself Star/stars/starself Xey/xem/xyr/xemself Ze/zem/zyr/zemself It/its/itself Bun/buns/bunself Dragon/dragons/dragonself Scale/scales/scaleself Fire/fires/fireself Wing/wings/wingself Hoard/hoards/hoardself Tal/talon/talons/talonself Fla/flame/flames/flameself Fla/Flap/flaps/flapself My/myth/myths/mythself 🌟/🌟s/🌟self 🪐/🪐s/🪐self 🐰/🐰s/🐰self 👽/👽s/👽self 🐲/🐲s/🐲self 🐉/🐉s/🐉self 🔥/🔥s/🔥self