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Hai! I'm just here to spread some love and kindness :>
Aukney • upvoted 30 items 3 years ago
I've had two girlfriends who were able to cry completely silently. Not just a few tears, but full ugly, balling your eyes out crying, with absolutely zero noise. The first one I knew about her past, but the second I was completely blindsided. She didn't speak about her past, but had said that other than 'occasionally arguing' with her father she's has a good enough childhood. When I saw it, it absolutely sent chills down my spine, and I immediately knew. When I later asked her about it, and mentioned that people only learn that out for quite narrow reasons, the flood gates opened I learned more about her childhood than I was ready to.Traits-Scream-Not-Loved-Enough-Child
I've had two girlfriends who were able to cry completely silently. Not just a few tears, but full ugly, balling your eyes out crying, with absolutely zero noise. The first one I knew about her past, but the second I was completely blindsided. She didn't speak about her past, but had said that other than 'occasionally arguing' with her father she's has a good enough childhood. When I saw it, it absolutely sent chills down my spine, and I immediately knew. When I later asked her about it, and mentioned that people only learn that out for quite narrow reasons, the flood gates opened I learned more about her childhood than I was ready to.I Chased This Emerald Scarab For A Month And Today It Was Finally Caught (I Mean Just Photographed):d
Dead Last Of Her Heat In 800 Meters, But Yet We Are All Proud Of You: Sarah Attar, First Saudi Woman To Compete In Athletics At The Olympics
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Aukney • commented on 6 posts 3 years ago
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Aukney • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Aukney • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Aukney • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Aukney • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Aukney • commented on 6 posts 3 years ago
Aukney • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
I've had two girlfriends who were able to cry completely silently. Not just a few tears, but full ugly, balling your eyes out crying, with absolutely zero noise. The first one I knew about her past, but the second I was completely blindsided. She didn't speak about her past, but had said that other than 'occasionally arguing' with her father she's has a good enough childhood. When I saw it, it absolutely sent chills down my spine, and I immediately knew. When I later asked her about it, and mentioned that people only learn that out for quite narrow reasons, the flood gates opened I learned more about her childhood than I was ready to.Dead Last Of Her Heat In 800 Meters, But Yet We Are All Proud Of You: Sarah Attar, First Saudi Woman To Compete In Athletics At The Olympics
I Chased This Emerald Scarab For A Month And Today It Was Finally Caught (I Mean Just Photographed):d
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