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Disappointed Optimist
Community Member
It called me lazy when I didn’t write anything so here ya go
Revolutionary-Bad940 reply
I think the overall take away from this thread is don't put anyone on a pedestal. You don't know anyone 100% besides yourself and even that can change. Everyone's flawed in some way.
jtdeafkid21 reply
Whoopi Goldberg for saying the Holocaust wasn't about race and downplaying Jews as a race and a discriminated people.
DoomOne reply
Tom Hanks
...isn't on this list because he's wholesome as f**k and a world-class gentleman.
ShieldMaiden83 reply
Tom Cruise is the first that comes to mind cause of his affliation with Sciencetology. Come one guys the reason why he is making bank with the Mission Impossible movies is cause he in big dept with that cult.
RancidMeatBag83 reply
Elon Musk, I got caught up in romantisizing the progress he was apparently making towards space travel. I remember saying I thought he was the closest we'd get to a real-life Zefram Cochrane. When I came to realise he was just another billionaire buying ideas and taking credit for them I stopped respecting him pretty quickly.
Marilyn Manson, I don't think I need to really explain why.
Good-of-Rome reply
Dan Schneider. He crated a ton of shows on nickelodeon that I loved growing up but he's a disgusting man that *more than likely* molested a lot of young female stars growing up.
HazyHills reply
This pandemic showed a lot of celebs to be self centred and out of touch.
I lost respect for everyone in that awful Imagine rendition.
"Imagine no possessions" they sing while sitting in their billion dollar mansions. Meanwhile the rest of us are losing our jobs.
magical_bunny reply
Madonna, ever since I found out she dumped her three chihuahuas at a dodgy kill shelter and one of them died after having its face mauled while the other two were basically starving by the time they were rescued. She was literally Madonna, she could have found them a good home. Or you know, literally hired someone just to care for them.
padaw4n reply
Danny Masterson
Thought he was cool but later found out he is a higher up in scientology and got away with raping the wife of Cedric Bixler-Zavala (singer of the mars volta) and poisoned 2 of his dogs.
kissingcats000 reply
Chris Brown. The whole "he hit Rihanna" thing was downplayed in the media. Read the actual police report and you'll see that he tormented and even attempted to kill her. And this man is still walking and making music and garnering fans. Really does make me sick.
anon reply
Idk if he counts as a celebrity, but i f*****g dispise doctor phil now. Not only did he send trouble kids to a child labor and endangering camp, made an excuse for it, but he also literally told a male abuse victim that he was abusive for fighting back and that hes a scumbag
Edit: ok these comments are getting overwhelming, but for those who asked "why did you even respect him in the first place?" I first knew phil from the catch me outside girl and i thought he was doing something good for her. As well as helping family members with their destructive family lives. I didnt realize what he was REALLY doing to these people til recently.
psychAdelic reply
I'll mention a group: Actor Scientologists. When the whole Scientology news exploded roughly 8 years ago, I lost all respect.
meganvanmilo reply
Elisabeth Moss - how do you play the main character in a show like The Handmaid's Tale, yet practice Scientology in your personal life? I don't get it.
I_Like_Thanksgiving reply
For someone not already listed here, I’ll go with Ellen - used to respect her a lot for being a trailblazer before everything came to light in 2020.
Dazzling-Toe-4955 reply
Gwyneth Paltrow - Goop
The medical information, that's just wrong, the $100 dollar vagina candle, the Recipies it's just nonsense and she's not a bad actress.