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Astrid the odd Astroid
Community Member

8 posts
3.8K points
Just like funny stuff and photography!!

Astrid the odd Astroid • commented on 10 posts 1 year ago
Show All 10 Comments

Astrid the odd Astroid • upvoted 30 items 1 year ago

There is a excerpt from John Adam's diary where he describes the time he had to share a tiny bed with Benjamin Franklin and, instead of sleeping, they had an argument about whether to keep the windows open or closed. Franklin eventually won the argument when Adams got too tired and fell asleep.
HistoricalCrow reply
On the left side of a car's steering wheel is a stick. Pushing the stick up or down will indicate to other drivers which direction you intend to turn! You're welcome!
toasted_marshmellow0 reply
Barilla Pasta has a Spotify list. Each specific song has a duration to match the relevant pasta’s cook timeShow All 30 Upvotes

Astrid the odd Astroid • submitted 8 new posts 2 years ago

Astrid the odd Astroid • submitted 20 list additions 2 years ago

Astrid the odd Astroid • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago

Astrid the odd Astroid • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

There is a excerpt from John Adam's diary where he describes the time he had to share a tiny bed with Benjamin Franklin and, instead of sleeping, they had an argument about whether to keep the windows open or closed. Franklin eventually won the argument when Adams got too tired and fell asleep.
toasted_marshmellow0 reply
Barilla Pasta has a Spotify list. Each specific song has a duration to match the relevant pasta’s cook time
HistoricalCrow reply
On the left side of a car's steering wheel is a stick. Pushing the stick up or down will indicate to other drivers which direction you intend to turn! You're welcome!
Astrid the odd Astroid • is following 24 people

Astrid the odd Astroid • 12 followers