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Amber swinger
Community Member
4 posts
103 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Amber swinger • commented on 24 posts 3 years ago
Show All 24 Comments
Amber swinger • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Food Tastes Better At Night Than In The Day?
Sandwiches. Not sure if that's weird or not but I love sandwiches at nightShow All 9 Upvotes
Amber swinger • submitted 6 list additions 3 years ago
Amber swinger • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Amber swinger • submitted 4 new posts 3 years ago
Amber swinger • submitted 8 list additions 3 years ago
Amber swinger • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Amber swinger • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Food Tastes Better At Night Than In The Day?
Sandwiches. Not sure if that's weird or not but I love sandwiches at nightHey ADHD And Autistic Pandas, Share Your Coping Mechanisms
Noise cancelling headphones and datacleaning. If I can't get my head to cooperate, I just turn the world off altogether with strawberry haze and binge Attenborough's documentary catalogue. Either way, once I hit redline I need to leave society for a few hours. There doesn't seem to be a reliable way to predict which sensory straw will break my back, however, which really drives me nuts sometimes. I just want to be NORMAL, you know?Hey ADHD And Autistic Pandas, Share Your Coping Mechanisms
Embracing change has helped me immensely. I seek new experiences, new foods, etc. so that I can broaden out my interests. I still have my core interests that I obsess over like any Aspie, but I've also come to better appreciate and understand other people better.Hey ADHD And Autistic Pandas, Share Your Coping Mechanisms
Taking a camera with me when I have to go out. It can distance me from what is around me, and people see it and not always just me.Hey ADHD And Autistic Pandas, Share Your Coping Mechanisms
Just like even THINKING about my cat/kitten. (Omg brainstorm real quick a teen cat is a catton!) Also I have a growing collection of small squishy things that help me calm myself.Hey ADHD And Autistic Pandas, Share Your Coping Mechanisms
Right. Putting my hands on my face. It feels like a cave to hide from the world. Reading, I love the feel of paper and the smell of books. Calming. But the best on-the-go discreet solution is to fidget with something. Stones, cloth, my hair, my dad's hands, anything with an interesting texture or look. Proper store-bought fidgets work just as well, too. A bit of background - I have Autism and ADHDHey ADHD And Autistic Pandas, Share Your Coping Mechanisms
I chant to bring myself back to center. It's complete nonsense but it rhymes and it's rhythmic. "Blue flicker Flicker flicker Motion picture Motion picture" Sometimes I try to add verses, sometimes I lose focus and have to start again but it works every time. ❤This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Amber swinger • 14 followers