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Rabbit Of ill Portent(she/her)
Community Member
A friendly, 30something woman who enjoys building people up and calling people out who are being unnecessary douchecanoes. Goofball sense of humor, lover of animals and learning about different cultures 🖤 I also call everyone dude. No matter what gender you identify with, you are dude. I mean it in the best sense possible 🤘
Turbulent_Archer_727 reply
I worked summers as a ticket booth operator at a minor league baseball stadium for around 3 years.
The owner was this really nice old guy (mid to late 80s) who always showed up in a wheelchair being walked by his daughter.
He always rewarded his employees with bonuses for good work. he even gave me $300 once for helping cash out one of his close childhood friends.
One of the final games I worked there he called me into his owners box and gave me beer and free food as well as $1500, just to thank me for all the hard work I did for him over the years.
He told me the reason he liked me so much was because I didn't pretend to like him because of who he was. Confused, I asked him to clarify. And he asked me if I seriously didn't know. I was still confused and then he told me the truth, he was actually a Hall of Fame pitcher who played with the Cleveland Indians and Philadelphia A's from the 1940s-early 1960s and even served in WW2. And showed me a replica of his Hall of Fame plaque.
We laughed about it and he further insinuated why he liked me so much.
He passed away around a year after this and I attended his funeral.
All around an amazing dude and I feel like such and idiot for not knowing who he was.
eminva02 reply
I learned my husband was attracted to children after knowing him 8 years, shortly after our sixth wedding anniversary. I found a video one day and our marriage dissolved in an instant. I contacted police and cooperated fully with the police. He's in prison, now.