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ASHRFOX • upvoted 5 items 1 year ago
Every single phone in Japan has the shutter sound when you take a picture, even if you take the picture on Snapchat or any app, and you cannot disable it. This is required by the government because they wanted to stop men from taking photos of girls without them knowing. So if you buy a phone in Japan, it has the shutter sound and you can't turn it off. So if you go to a place like a museum or something, you'll just constantly hear the shutter sound. What a lot of people do to get around this is when they travel to another country, they'll use that time to buy an iPhone or just any phone and bring it back to Japan. Like when I had to get a new iPhone, I bought it in America and had it shipped to Japan because I was not going to deal with that shutter sound.Things-In-Japan-You-Didnt-Know-Ryanthetwat
Every single phone in Japan has the shutter sound when you take a picture, even if you take the picture on Snapchat or any app, and you cannot disable it. This is required by the government because they wanted to stop men from taking photos of girls without them knowing. So if you buy a phone in Japan, it has the shutter sound and you can't turn it off. So if you go to a place like a museum or something, you'll just constantly hear the shutter sound. What a lot of people do to get around this is when they travel to another country, they'll use that time to buy an iPhone or just any phone and bring it back to Japan. Like when I had to get a new iPhone, I bought it in America and had it shipped to Japan because I was not going to deal with that shutter sound.Show All 5 Upvotes
ASHRFOX • commented on a post 1 year ago
ASHRFOX • upvoted 27 items 2 years ago
GunnieGraves reply
My dad worked risk management for American Express. Found an error that would’ve cost 5 mill or so. He got a glass paperweight.Show All 27 Upvotes
ASHRFOX • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
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ASHRFOX • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
ASHRFOX • submitted 7 list additions 2 years ago
ASHRFOX • submitted 10 list additions 3 years ago
ASHRFOX • commented on a post 1 year ago
ASHRFOX • commented on 19 posts 2 years ago
ASHRFOX • upvoted 6 items 1 year ago
Every single phone in Japan has the shutter sound when you take a picture, even if you take the picture on Snapchat or any app, and you cannot disable it. This is required by the government because they wanted to stop men from taking photos of girls without them knowing. So if you buy a phone in Japan, it has the shutter sound and you can't turn it off. So if you go to a place like a museum or something, you'll just constantly hear the shutter sound. What a lot of people do to get around this is when they travel to another country, they'll use that time to buy an iPhone or just any phone and bring it back to Japan. Like when I had to get a new iPhone, I bought it in America and had it shipped to Japan because I was not going to deal with that shutter sound. ASHRFOX • upvoted 14 items 2 years ago
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