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3 posts
48 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Eliza • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Eliza • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Do That Makes Other People Raise Their Eyebrows?
So many to choose from....I don't like to spend time with others. I do not date. I am happy to be by myself. I don't like to go to restaurants---and many more.Show All 3 Upvotes
Eliza • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
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Eliza • upvoted 11 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Do That Makes Other People Raise Their Eyebrows?
Pretty much just being me. I work on a farm. As a biofuel processing plant manager. In Iowa. I'm country down to the bone, having spent most of my adult life in really rural states west and north. But in the evenings, a couple times a week, I gather up with some guys much younger than me, and of widely mixed ethnicities. I do sound and lights for their band, logistics, and tech/roadie. I even order/sell the merch. But yep. Sometimes it raises a brow that a 50+ guy of Romanian descent from the Flyovers spends weekends working for two black, two Filipinos, and a white guy, lol. Best part? I don't generally accept any money from them. I just love doing this s**t, got experience, and it literally takes a team to make a band work, even at the local and regional level. I've got the time and resources to have the best hobby ever, with some of the best guys on earth.Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Do That Makes Other People Raise Their Eyebrows?
Pretty much just being me. I work on a farm. As a biofuel processing plant manager. In Iowa. I'm country down to the bone, having spent most of my adult life in really rural states west and north. But in the evenings, a couple times a week, I gather up with some guys much younger than me, and of widely mixed ethnicities. I do sound and lights for their band, logistics, and tech/roadie. I even order/sell the merch. But yep. Sometimes it raises a brow that a 50+ guy of Romanian descent from the Flyovers spends weekends working for two black, two Filipinos, and a white guy, lol. Best part? I don't generally accept any money from them. I just love doing this s**t, got experience, and it literally takes a team to make a band work, even at the local and regional level. I've got the time and resources to have the best hobby ever, with some of the best guys on earth.Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Do That Makes Other People Raise Their Eyebrows?
My weird fashion tastes 😂 sometimes i dress goth, sometimes punk, emo or harajuku/kpop style, sometimes ‘girls ‘ clothes and skirts which people might think im weird for but i think i look cute 😊 also girls clothes fit me way better im very small 😩Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Do That Makes Other People Raise Their Eyebrows?
I do math in my free time for fun. Everyone thinks it's weird but I really love math.Hey Pandas, What Is A Terrifying Experience You’ve Encountered Firsthand?
Realizing the people you cared for don't care about youHey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Family Member Has Done?
My mom did drugs and was secretly a prostitute behind my dad's back. My dad then took care of us. My mom hasn't seen us in years, but know she has the audacity to talk to us, even though she abused me and my sister. We are now going to court, and she is playing the victim,a saying that we need a mother, not a father. It's crazy how dads are so under-appreciated!Hey Pandas, What Makes You Unique From Others?
I use my trauma as a base for humour. More sad than uniqueShow All 11 Upvotes
Eliza • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
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Eliza • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
Eliza • commented on 3 posts 3 years ago
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Eliza • upvoted 2 items 4 years ago
Eliza • upvoted 2 items 6 years ago
Eliza • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
Eliza • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Eliza • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
Eliza • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
Eliza • commented on 3 posts 3 years ago
Eliza • upvoted 10 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Do That Makes Other People Raise Their Eyebrows?
Tie their pony tails too tight.Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Do That Makes Other People Raise Their Eyebrows?
So many to choose from....I don't like to spend time with others. I do not date. I am happy to be by myself. I don't like to go to restaurants---and many more.Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Do That Makes Other People Raise Their Eyebrows?
Pretty much just being me. I work on a farm. As a biofuel processing plant manager. In Iowa. I'm country down to the bone, having spent most of my adult life in really rural states west and north. But in the evenings, a couple times a week, I gather up with some guys much younger than me, and of widely mixed ethnicities. I do sound and lights for their band, logistics, and tech/roadie. I even order/sell the merch. But yep. Sometimes it raises a brow that a 50+ guy of Romanian descent from the Flyovers spends weekends working for two black, two Filipinos, and a white guy, lol. Best part? I don't generally accept any money from them. I just love doing this s**t, got experience, and it literally takes a team to make a band work, even at the local and regional level. I've got the time and resources to have the best hobby ever, with some of the best guys on earth.Hey Pandas, What Is A Terrifying Experience You’ve Encountered Firsthand?
Realizing the people you cared for don't care about youHey Pandas, What’s Something You Do That Makes Other People Raise Their Eyebrows?
My weird fashion tastes 😂 sometimes i dress goth, sometimes punk, emo or harajuku/kpop style, sometimes ‘girls ‘ clothes and skirts which people might think im weird for but i think i look cute 😊 also girls clothes fit me way better im very small 😩 Eliza • upvoted 8 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Family Member Has Done?
My mom did drugs and was secretly a prostitute behind my dad's back. My dad then took care of us. My mom hasn't seen us in years, but know she has the audacity to talk to us, even though she abused me and my sister. We are now going to court, and she is playing the victim,a saying that we need a mother, not a father. It's crazy how dads are so under-appreciated!This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Eliza • 12 followers