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A teenager who's bored in class; A confused artist and aspiring graphic designer and author; An avid gamer, and; 100% weirdo.
NOT000 reply
Bro had an idea, patented it, pitched it to the owner of gopro, got 2.3 million for it
hes a good guy, but i am still a bit jealous.
“History Everyday”: 50 Interesting Historical Pictures That Might Teach You Something New (New Pics)
“History Everyday”: 50 Interesting Historical Pictures That Might Teach You Something New (New Pics)
“History Everyday”: 50 Interesting Historical Pictures That Might Teach You Something New (New Pics)
“History Everyday”: 50 Interesting Historical Pictures That Might Teach You Something New (New Pics)
ChronoLegion2 reply
Romeo and Juliet. If Shakespeare were alive now, he’d be horrified at how his cautionary tale has been twisted.
cmori3 reply
In China, on a school trip. Wandering around night-market stalls of fried bugs and bull testicles, in a group of 10 or so high-school age kids. A 50-60ish y.o. Chinese man engages us in conversation, claiming to be the curator of a local art gallery. Do we want to check out some paintings? Sure, we were bored and had lost our appetite pretty quickly anyhow. Well we get to the 'gallery' which was a semi-rundown 5x5m building. The Chinese man talks to us from the doorway, inviting us in to see the paintings which are downstairs. The building is in the middle of a large paved courtyard, right next to a popular tourist destination. It's safe, right? Peering through the doorway, no artwork or obvious function to the building is visible. An entrance lamp is broken with its glass scattered over the doorway, and inside shoddy steps lead to a dank unlit basement. One of us interrupts Chinese man's sweetalking (come down, see painting) to grill him on the broken glass. "Don't worry, many paintings. Beautiful" "No, tell me why there's broken glass". At this point we're all exchanging glances, when I get the urge to break our collective stupor by yelling "CHEEEESE ITTTT!" As a group we turn tail into a sprint, covering a hundred yards or so before we slow down to laugh and crack jokes about kidnapping and organ black markets. Glad it was the best memory from my trip and not the last one.
NOT000 reply
Bro had an idea, patented it, pitched it to the owner of gopro, got 2.3 million for it
hes a good guy, but i am still a bit jealous.
ChronoLegion2 reply
Romeo and Juliet. If Shakespeare were alive now, he’d be horrified at how his cautionary tale has been twisted.