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Aj Grimes (he/him)
Community Member

My name is Aaron James (Aj) Grimes. I will fight for what is right. I love anime. I am stem, and I am trans, polyamorous, and pansexual. The Bible was mistranslated. I support the BLM. I am a little bit of a yandere. ( I have a senpai.) I have developed depression and anxiety over quarantine. I love listening to music. I have an 8yr old cat named Cinderella. I also have an addiction to makeup and BP. I am a Leo. If you want to contact me pls contact me at 26agrimes@plainview.k12.ok.us or himynameistiffanyt@gmail.com. I am also a Slytherin. EDIT MAY 25, 2021, My school has blocked Bp and I do not have my laptop bc I turned it in at school. I am sorry if i have not been able to be on here. Also, I will be busy this summer and I will barely have time to be on here. Also, HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!!!

Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Annoys You The Most?
Republicans complaining about masks, the vaccine, and them telling me how I should live my life. And people who are just rude annoy me.

Hey Pandas, Predict The Future
The entire world population will go vegan in an act to stop animal cruelty. Animals we hunt and feed on will take over earth. we can no longer go outside nor go to the ocean. Due to the increased amounts of animals, it won't be possible to look after them. We cannot go to the sea as there will be higher risks of getting eaten by sea animals such as sharks. Day-by-day humans will keep getting killed by those animals till all humans die. And when we all die, animals will use our remains to live a more luxurious life than we humans ever lived :P Land animals with gigantic mansions, thousands of luxurious vehicles, better quality food, and goods. Sea animals owning underwater cities. All that you could ever think of. I can still see Mr. and Mrs. Ferret driving their Lamborghini, Wearing decent fits you will never see in the 21st century just to pick up their 1-year-old from the "Kindergarten of Ferrets". I can see Ms.Great White Shark on her private submarine to the "land of whales" to sign a gazillion-dollar deal. That's life. I bet you will realize how boring it's to be a Homosapien. I bet you are crying in bed rn cause you are mad that you were never an animal like em' all.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Annoys You The Most?
Republicans complaining about masks, the vaccine, and them telling me how I should live my life. And people who are just rude annoy me.