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Reddit post
Keanu Reeves gave up $66 million in potential earnings from the Matrix sequels to boost pay for the special effects and costume teams. He also surprised his stunt performers with new Harley Davidson motorcycles on the last day of filming for The Matrix Revolutions.

Your Kitchen Just Got A Zero-Waste Glow-Up, Because The Reusable Kitchen Towels Are Here To Clean Up Spills Better Than Paper Ever Could

I was on a hiking trail at South Mountain, in Phoenix, and was climbing up some steps near the top of a ridge when a bicyclist exploded over the top, sailed right over my head, and landed on the steps just below me. He didn’t fall, and was able to control his downward progress and zoom out of sight pretty quickly. But if I had been one step higher on that trail, he would have plowed right into me and might have [unalived] us both.
In case you’re wondering, that segment of the trail was not approved for bikes. He was one of those extreme bikers out for a thrill, and he managed to give one to both of us.

I was on a hiking trail at South Mountain, in Phoenix, and was climbing up some steps near the top of a ridge when a bicyclist exploded over the top, sailed right over my head, and landed on the steps just below me. He didn’t fall, and was able to control his downward progress and zoom out of sight pretty quickly. But if I had been one step higher on that trail, he would have plowed right into me and might have [unalived] us both.
In case you’re wondering, that segment of the trail was not approved for bikes. He was one of those extreme bikers out for a thrill, and he managed to give one to both of us.

theblokeonthebasss reply
Installed some water alarm sensors under boiler, washing machine, dishwasher, WC, etc. Got them just because „you never know“, they use the same system as my smart smoke detectors, and they were discounted.
First night, 2AM, alarm in the whole house goes off, I wake up, look at my phone „Water leak in basement“. First thought: yeah, no way, the f£$%ing new sensor must be faulty. Go downstairs to find a broken water pipe and water spraying out of it. Without the cheap sensor, I would have woken up in the morning to find out that my basement has turned into r/poolrooms.
Edit: Wow, 1000 upvotes. I‘ve never had more than 150 or so. :).

For The First Time In 5+ Years The Island Beside My House Can Be Walked To On Ice. My Neighbors Immediately Walked Over With Trash Bags To Start Cleaning It

I Photographed A Fairytale-Inspired, Witchy Dog Session Inspired By Red Riding Hood (15 Pics)

Tired_Lambchop111 reply
Griffith University Queensland, Australia are about to start human trails on groundbreaking research into regenerating nerves in spinal cord injuries.

KringlebertFistybuns reply
We had a group of teenagers come through with a little kid about 4 or 5 years old. My haunt was scripted, so the group stopped at my station and I could tell the little one was ready to lose it. I toned it way down for the little guy. His older brother was an absolute s**t squirrel. He kept telling the kid I'd be coming to their house to [end] him later. I stopped completely, broke character and got down on the kid's level. As loudly as I could, I told the little one that nobody from my haunt would be coming to his house to [end] him and that his brother sucked. Told the kid he was braver than all of the teenagers who thought it was fun to scare a little kid. I promised him that he would make it through just fine and nobody would get him. We had tour guides at our haunt, so the guide went ahead of the group and put the word out. The rest of the cast made things as fun as hell for the kid.

One_Science8349 reply
A male doctor declared that I was about to receive the best pelvic exam in my life. He then proceeded to chatter about how horrible they are for women so he asked his wife to help instruct him on making them as painless and comfortable as possible. He did not lie, it was indeed the best pelvic exam I’ve had in my life. Weird as f**k to start out that way, but bless him for caring so much.

One_Science8349 reply
A male doctor declared that I was about to receive the best pelvic exam in my life. He then proceeded to chatter about how horrible they are for women so he asked his wife to help instruct him on making them as painless and comfortable as possible. He did not lie, it was indeed the best pelvic exam I’ve had in my life. Weird as f**k to start out that way, but bless him for caring so much.

TallChick66 reply
The doctor ran into my room yelling "OH MY GOD!... then said, " We have to get you to the hospital!"... "the last person I saw here with this had to have a lot of flesh removed." She then proceeded to show me photos of the patient with flesh removed. It was absolutely horrific.
I had a spider bite on my elbow. It started off as a very sore spot that felt like I hit my elbow on something. Three hours later, my entire arm was red, swollen and hot. When I bent my arm, a steady stream of clear liquid poured out of my elbow. There was no question about how bad this was.
The doctor was adamant that I go to the hospital and spend a week with an intravenous drip of antibiotics. She thought that even with antibiotics I might lose part of my arm. It was obviously a very bad situation but I live in the US and didn't have insurance. I had gone to the hospital first but I was turned away. It's not legal for them to do this but I was young and inexperienced so I left after the lady at the desk berated me, yelling that "you can't expect to just walk in here with no money..." I then went to a walk-in-clinic which is where this doctor was.
The doctor may not have been good at hiding her fear and panic but she absolutely saved my arm and quite possibly my life. For the following week I went to see her twice a day and she gave me a series of shots and pills. She had a closet full of salesmen's samples that she gave me so all the d***s were free of charge. Even though I went there 14 times, I was only charged for the first day's visit, which was only $100. This doctor saved me tens of thousands of dollars.
I think of that doctor often and hope that life has treated her as well as she treated me.

spoonman-of-alcatraz reply
When my 30th birthday hit, my wife had just left me for the man she had cheated with, my family was on vacation out of the country, and none of my friends remembered what day it was. What should’ve been a milestone celebration became one of the bleakest days of my life.
Then I met a woman who lived on the opposite coast. We didn’t really click until our mutual friends got married. That night, we sat on the beach talking until the sun came up, and after she flew home, we kept in touch by phone every morning and every evening.
A few months later, as my 31st birthday approached, she called to say she was coming to stay for two weeks—that was my gift. She also said she’d make up for my 30th. She didn’t lie—those were two of the happiest weeks of my life. And at the end of her stay, we decided to get married. That was over 30 years ago. She’s sitting by the fire as I write this.

Crusty_Dingleberries reply
1. erections are involuntary. Sometimes a response to mental or physical stimulation, but sometimes you can find yourself having an erection you don't want, and everyone thinks you're horny when you're not.
2. we have a stitchline on our balls from when the labia fused in the womb to create what then became the ballsack.
3. we all have a shoebox of old wires, adapters, connectors, and cables.
4. sometimes we slam doors and break things, not because we're angry or anything like that, but it can be hard to control your strength sometimes, so you might slam a door and then instantly recoil like "oh f**k oh f**k oh f**k" because you realized you shut it too hard - this is also why some men might be averse/scared to choke or slap girls in bed who ask for it; we don't want to cause actual harm, and it's very easy to accidentally go too hard.
5. I don't know anything about, nor talk about, my friends' partners. I care about my friends, but I don't ever think to ask about their partners. whether it's a person they're dating, or one they're set to marry.
6. A lot of guys can be satisfied with a mattress on the floor, a tv and a fridge with only basic supplies. Anything else is nice-to-have, but not necessary for us to want to spend our entire weekend at home just lounging around.
7. and of course, we spend years trying different positions to optimize our fart-sounds.

We get a call saying been an hour and the pizza hasn't arrived
So I'm working as the pizza maker at a tiny independent pizza shop in New Orleans and the delivery driver is a 6'6" Lithuanian basket ball player who's supposed to be on a basketball scholarship but he has some troubles with the NCAA over a few exhibition games he may have gotten paid for so he's delivering pizza in a clapped out ghetto sled instead of going to college. We send him out on a run for three nearby deliveries and after about 30 minutes of him being out the customer from the third house call to complain that their pizza hasn't arrived yet. So I call the first house and they're like pizza came just fine. I call the second house and they say their pizza just arrived, so I figure he's had car problems and I'll go find him. So I drive over to the second house and follow the logical route toward the third and as I'm almost there I see this giant man running at a dead sprint down the middle of the road with the pizza bag held up over his shoulder like a waiter. I pulled up beside him and without stopping he yelled "must deliver pizza," turned the corner and ran up to the customer's house. When he got done I found out that his car had failed to start at the first house and he decided to run about 3 miles with several pizzas rather than screw around looking for a phone. Best delivery driver we ever had by far.

Let’s send the 19 year old girl to the high crime area, what could go wrong?
I delivered pizzas for a chain when I was 19. I didn’t have a cellphone at the time, but this event spurred me to get one. I was a day driver mostly, and I was working for probably a couple months at the time. I get a delivery for a street that apparently has a lot of crime. One of my managers instructed me to only carry $15 in change, and to call 911 if I needed to. I reminded him that I didn’t have a cellphone. He said “That’s okay, just scream 911!” So now that I was nervous, I set out for my destination. I get out, lock my car, and deliver the pizza with no problem. Breathe a sigh of relief, go to open my car and... I locked my keys in my car. Some of the neighbors were out playing basketball in the street, and saw me. One of them lent me a cell to call the shop. The one manager that could help me, had driven into work on his motorcycle, so he had to drive home, get his truck and tools. When he asked me where I was, his response was something like “c**p, there of all places?!” So yeah, instilling more confidence in me/s. But in actuality the people on the street were very kind. Various conversations ensued, like “How good is your insurance? We could just break a window.” And “Hey man, couldn’t you break into it for her?” “Naw man, it’s been years since I’ve broken into cars” . I didn’t want to pay for damages to my car, because I did not know what the insurance on the car was. So they just kept me company for the couple hours it took for my manager to arrive with tools to open my car. Drove back to the shop to clock out for the day. Any time I drove through that area after the incident, the locals waved at me. It’s one of my favorite memories from that time.

Your Kitchen Just Got A Zero-Waste Glow-Up, Because The Reusable Kitchen Towels Are Here To Clean Up Spills Better Than Paper Ever Could

I was on a hiking trail at South Mountain, in Phoenix, and was climbing up some steps near the top of a ridge when a bicyclist exploded over the top, sailed right over my head, and landed on the steps just below me. He didn’t fall, and was able to control his downward progress and zoom out of sight pretty quickly. But if I had been one step higher on that trail, he would have plowed right into me and might have [unalived] us both.
In case you’re wondering, that segment of the trail was not approved for bikes. He was one of those extreme bikers out for a thrill, and he managed to give one to both of us.

theblokeonthebasss reply
Installed some water alarm sensors under boiler, washing machine, dishwasher, WC, etc. Got them just because „you never know“, they use the same system as my smart smoke detectors, and they were discounted.
First night, 2AM, alarm in the whole house goes off, I wake up, look at my phone „Water leak in basement“. First thought: yeah, no way, the f£$%ing new sensor must be faulty. Go downstairs to find a broken water pipe and water spraying out of it. Without the cheap sensor, I would have woken up in the morning to find out that my basement has turned into r/poolrooms.
Edit: Wow, 1000 upvotes. I‘ve never had more than 150 or so. :).

I Photographed A Fairytale-Inspired, Witchy Dog Session Inspired By Red Riding Hood (15 Pics)

Tired_Lambchop111 reply
Griffith University Queensland, Australia are about to start human trails on groundbreaking research into regenerating nerves in spinal cord injuries.

JunjiItoColaBear reply
Sit cross legged on his desk and start meditating during class because he was mad about something.

KringlebertFistybuns reply
We had a group of teenagers come through with a little kid about 4 or 5 years old. My haunt was scripted, so the group stopped at my station and I could tell the little one was ready to lose it. I toned it way down for the little guy. His older brother was an absolute s**t squirrel. He kept telling the kid I'd be coming to their house to [end] him later. I stopped completely, broke character and got down on the kid's level. As loudly as I could, I told the little one that nobody from my haunt would be coming to his house to [end] him and that his brother sucked. Told the kid he was braver than all of the teenagers who thought it was fun to scare a little kid. I promised him that he would make it through just fine and nobody would get him. We had tour guides at our haunt, so the guide went ahead of the group and put the word out. The rest of the cast made things as fun as hell for the kid.