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6 posts
653 points
Hello, You can call Pancake. She/he/they
I’m am a minor with a few problems. (Pansexual BTW)
depressePANcake • upvoted 40 items 3 years ago
Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
One thing that drives me berserk in movies is when someone is driving and talking to their passenger. They refuse to keep their eyes on the road and insist on making prolonged eye contact with the person next to them. In the movies this often means a jump-scare car crash is about to happen. I'd like to say that's unrealistic but my mom used to drive that way all the time. I hated going anywhere with her.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Young singles living in million dollar condos that overlook the city.Common-False-Country-Myths
Scotland: We’re all ginger alcoholics who hate the English and run amongst the hills in our ‘skirts’ screaming “FREEDOM”Show All 40 Upvotes
depressePANcake • submitted 6 new posts 3 years ago
depressePANcake • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
depressePANcake • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
depressePANcake • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
One thing that drives me berserk in movies is when someone is driving and talking to their passenger. They refuse to keep their eyes on the road and insist on making prolonged eye contact with the person next to them. In the movies this often means a jump-scare car crash is about to happen. I'd like to say that's unrealistic but my mom used to drive that way all the time. I hated going anywhere with her.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Young singles living in million dollar condos that overlook the city.Common-False-Country-Myths
Scotland: We’re all ginger alcoholics who hate the English and run amongst the hills in our ‘skirts’ screaming “FREEDOM”She Doesn’t Speak English And I’m 90% Sure That Last Line Is A Google Translation Of Sugar Daddy And I Can’t Stop Laughing
depressePANcake • is following 4 people
depressePANcake • 59 followers