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Well, guess this is it. I'm out. All of my accounts no longer work. Goodbye. Spamming Troll From Bored Panda on Youtube. Subscribe if taller than 4'11". Goodbye, everyone. You are no longer being constanly spammed by my accounts. I'm not sorry. I helped all of you get free points. I know a lot of people wont see this, but if you do, thanks. I no longer care about Bored Panda, and fuck you Zara the "squid". have a bad day, and thank you DP, for being a friend. Have a good life, and I hope your life goes well.Btw DP, I hope you pitch the show to adult swim, and I hope it goes well. have a nice life DP, Matt C, and anyone else whos a victim of neggitive points, besides you ... you are not being targeted
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