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Apex Bot
Community Member

12 posts
288 points
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Apex Bot • upvoted 5 items 3 years ago
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Apex Bot • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago
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Apex Bot • upvoted 25 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
I am just getting to the age where women start to be sexualized more. I remember the first time I got catcalled, I was walking down the street to my house, and this car drove by and honked at me. It startled me, and I was too scared to talk about it. Since then I have been catcalled a few other times. I also have been stared at a lot by men, who will immediately look away the moment I notice them staring. Also, one time me and my friend were on a walk, and a man started to follow us, until we ran into this random person's yard who was working on their porch. This is disgusting, I am 14. I am a child, and plenty of people have it worse than I do.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
I am just getting to the age where women start to be sexualized more. I remember the first time I got catcalled, I was walking down the street to my house, and this car drove by and honked at me. It startled me, and I was too scared to talk about it. Since then I have been catcalled a few other times. I also have been stared at a lot by men, who will immediately look away the moment I notice them staring. Also, one time me and my friend were on a walk, and a man started to follow us, until we ran into this random person's yard who was working on their porch. This is disgusting, I am 14. I am a child, and plenty of people have it worse than I do.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
When I was young, say around 9 or 10 when I first realized that because I was female there were certain things, rules, criterion, standards by which I was expected to conduct myself. Because I wanted to wear jeans and sneakers instead of little frilly dresses with white socks and black patent leather Mary Janes I was called a "tom boy" amongst other things. Later on in life when I had entered the work force I was a woman doing a mans job, automotive technician, I was called dyke, lezzie, just to name a few. After my first job twisting wrenches I always made a point of showing up when every I had my tool boxes dropped at a new job, to always wear make up, short shorts (weather permitting) and titty shirts to show them that #1. I was in fact very female and #2. I was very feminine. It didn't help after 40 years I still had guys quit because a woman was going to work in a stall next to them, still had the wives of said mechanics hate me BECAUSE I worked next to their husbands, still had guys hitting on me, still had guys calling me dyke, etc. Some people can't handle the supposed threat of someone of the opposite sex doing their job and possibly doing better than them....
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
Being told at a school’s career day that I should be a teacher or a nurse and not try to find out about how to get into the stunt industry.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
My (female) teacher saying that I couldn't become an archaeologist because "digging in the dirt like an animal is something that only boys are worthy of doing" and "pretty little princesses" should do something more "worthwhile" like working with kids in nurseries. I'm an archaeologist, go figure.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
Two groups on dodge ball my friend was last picked because she was a girl the two group leader people were both boys chosen by the PE teacher I am I girl (I am currently bi just fyi) and I was only chosen on one team because I was good at the game
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
My mom told me not to rough house with my brother because “he would grow up to be stronger than me.” 🤮
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
Paying higher rate for car insurance just because I am a *Male under 25*.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
I was sleeping in class and when I woke up the boy next to me said “hey sleeping in class in only for boys” one year later I started getting my breasts and THE SAME BOY said “hey- want to go out? 0.1 seconds later he’s at the nurse with a broken nose 😎😅
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
When I didn't grow my chest as fast as all the other girls. I also didn't get my period "on time". Also when I cut off my long hair, I didn't look "girly" enough. Now i identify as non-binary and refuse to let people tell me what is expected of me because I'm a "girl".Show All 25 Upvotes

Apex Bot • commented on 2 posts 4 years ago

Apex Bot • submitted 12 new posts 4 years ago

Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, If You Had The Power To Do Anything With Your Life What Would You Do? (Closed)

Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, If You Had The Power To Go Back In Time When And Where You Would Go And What Would You Do? (Closed)

Apex Bot • submitted 3 list additions 4 years ago

Apex Bot • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago

Apex Bot • commented on 12 posts 4 years ago

Apex Bot • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
I am just getting to the age where women start to be sexualized more. I remember the first time I got catcalled, I was walking down the street to my house, and this car drove by and honked at me. It startled me, and I was too scared to talk about it. Since then I have been catcalled a few other times. I also have been stared at a lot by men, who will immediately look away the moment I notice them staring. Also, one time me and my friend were on a walk, and a man started to follow us, until we ran into this random person's yard who was working on their porch. This is disgusting, I am 14. I am a child, and plenty of people have it worse than I do.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
Two groups on dodge ball my friend was last picked because she was a girl the two group leader people were both boys chosen by the PE teacher I am I girl (I am currently bi just fyi) and I was only chosen on one team because I was good at the game
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
When I was young, say around 9 or 10 when I first realized that because I was female there were certain things, rules, criterion, standards by which I was expected to conduct myself. Because I wanted to wear jeans and sneakers instead of little frilly dresses with white socks and black patent leather Mary Janes I was called a "tom boy" amongst other things. Later on in life when I had entered the work force I was a woman doing a mans job, automotive technician, I was called dyke, lezzie, just to name a few. After my first job twisting wrenches I always made a point of showing up when every I had my tool boxes dropped at a new job, to always wear make up, short shorts (weather permitting) and titty shirts to show them that #1. I was in fact very female and #2. I was very feminine. It didn't help after 40 years I still had guys quit because a woman was going to work in a stall next to them, still had the wives of said mechanics hate me BECAUSE I worked next to their husbands, still had guys hitting on me, still had guys calling me dyke, etc. Some people can't handle the supposed threat of someone of the opposite sex doing their job and possibly doing better than them....
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
Being told at a school’s career day that I should be a teacher or a nurse and not try to find out about how to get into the stunt industry.
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
My mom told me not to rough house with my brother because “he would grow up to be stronger than me.” 🤮
Hey Pandas, What Was Your First Experience With Sexism?
Any office job I've had. When a man is interviewing an attractive woman, but the other applicants are more than capable, guess who gets the job? Every time. EVERY TIME.
Apex Bot • 64 followers