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Apatheist 62
Community Member
1 posts
1.1K points
Banned from commenting because of 10 downvotes, despite having 122 upvotes.
Apatheist 62 • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Apatheist 62 • upvoted 12 items 2 years ago
laureltreesinbloom reply
Something that happened to me: When I was around 9ish I answered the landline phone in our house, the man knew me by name, said he knew my mom, tried to chat with me. I didn't know him (and didn't like talking to adults) so I said "let me get my mom" and ran to get her. She answered the phone and the man had hung up. A few weeks later a girl in the grade ahead of me went missing. She'd apparently told her friends that a man contacted her, said he was a "friend of her mom's" and was going to pick her up after school to pick a present out for her mom as surprise. She was kidnapped and murdered (they found her body months later) but never caught the man. This was in early 90s. Turns out quite a few young girls had gotten the same phone call I had, he seems to have been choosing his victim. The FBI came to my house to ask me questions about that phone call. It still haunts me 30 years later. Still hoping they catch the guy. Absolutely heartbreaking.40 Photos With Humans For Scale To Show Just How Big Stuff Really Is, As Shared On This Twitter Page
Show All 12 Upvotes
Apatheist 62 • commented on 24 posts 2 years ago
Show All 24 Comments
Apatheist 62 • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Apatheist 62 • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Apatheist 62 • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
laureltreesinbloom reply
Something that happened to me: When I was around 9ish I answered the landline phone in our house, the man knew me by name, said he knew my mom, tried to chat with me. I didn't know him (and didn't like talking to adults) so I said "let me get my mom" and ran to get her. She answered the phone and the man had hung up. A few weeks later a girl in the grade ahead of me went missing. She'd apparently told her friends that a man contacted her, said he was a "friend of her mom's" and was going to pick her up after school to pick a present out for her mom as surprise. She was kidnapped and murdered (they found her body months later) but never caught the man. This was in early 90s. Turns out quite a few young girls had gotten the same phone call I had, he seems to have been choosing his victim. The FBI came to my house to ask me questions about that phone call. It still haunts me 30 years later. Still hoping they catch the guy. Absolutely heartbreaking.40 Photos With Humans For Scale To Show Just How Big Stuff Really Is, As Shared On This Twitter Page
40 Photos With Humans For Scale To Show Just How Big Stuff Really Is, As Shared On This Twitter Page
Spizam71 reply
Catching wild animals and selling them as pets. Hermit crabs, parrots, and many fish still fall in this category and are going extinct because of it.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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