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Chuckle Demon 19
Community Member
Here we go ;)Ambiverted potatoI am much cooler online Trying to figure my way out through med school.Stay tuned- Am I finishing my degree or is my degree finishing me? 。◕‿◕。My hobbies include playing imaginary scenarios in my head , listening to music, reading books and spending time on Bored Panda.I love cats, dogs, snakes I'm pretty sure I'd pet a crocodile if it won't bite me. I love learning about new things. I also like to ask load of dumb questions. Sarcasm is my love language. Speaking about love=_==_==_=There's nothing to that lmao. I'm single by choice, not my choice but still. You must be a pretty bored panda if you read all this . Hope you have a lovely day 💖💖!