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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
JollyMcStink reply
Accidentally texted my boss instead of my coworker. About how big of a b***h our boss is. Lol.
Honestly it worked out bc we talked it out and resolved a lot of pent up tension but when I first realized I was like omfg.
Forward-Essay-7248 reply
Dont have a bad text but I did once get drunk and called my dad while at a family reunion (i couldnt make it) and left him a 2.5 hour ramble of how great a father he was.
He played it at the dinner.
No hard feelings I thought it was funny as hell.
2nickels reply
Let me preface this by stating I use to be a real big piece of s**t:
When my wife and I were dating we went out to eat at Applebee's in our relatively small town. Looking around the restaurant I noticed there were several females there that I had previously had 'relationships' with.
I thought I was texting my then room mate when I said:
"Including *future wife* there are 5 girls at this Applebee's that I've boned"
Instead I sent it to my now wife who was sitting across the table from me.
Had to do a lot of damage control after that. Been married 15 years this summer!
bradland reply
I complained rather bluntly, and using colorful language, about my M&A attorney to one of my business partners... It was a group text.
Fortunately, he was a professional. I called him to apologize, and explained that deal frustrations were getting the better of me. He allowed me to save face, and even put me at ease by saying that people have said far worse to him to his face.
HoneyBucketsOfOats reply
This guy I was friends with in a dark time in my life took another friend’s phone and changed the autocorrect. He made maybe the worst change ever. He changed the word people to the N-word’s.
The other friend didn’t catch it until he group messaged people from his company during a business trip. He meant to send “when do we have to pick up these Pfizer PEOPLE from the airport?” Needless to say the autocorrect changed that.
He was fired.
It was shortly after that we realized that the first guy wasn’t quirky and funny but that he was toxic.
where2next00 reply
Was stoned at home watching tv texting a girl I was dating and my best friend from high school simultaneously (separate chats). My friend at the time was struggling with addiction problems and at the time I felt like I was being used and taken for granted and said something along the lines of “he’s probably getting coked out again” to the girl but I actually sent it to my friend. I felt a dread I’ve never felt before. Because I love my friends and I felt like I betrayed him by talking s**t. I immediately apologized and explained the mix up. Took ownership. But felt so bad for so long.
BUT! That girl is now my wife and that friend was one of my groomsmen and gave the speech at our wedding and I was his best man and also gave a speech at his wedding. Turned out my text helped him realize he had hit bottom and he made some really positive changes and I couldn’t be more happy for him.
Edited for typos.
ThickSleevePlease reply
I accidentally sent my boss a message that meant to read "I have a bigger problem". I missed the B and hit the N. Yes, he's black 😭.
anon reply
When I texted this girl I was going on a date with “Hey Olivia, I’m out front”
….her name was Natalie. She never came out.
JollyMcStink reply
Accidentally texted my boss instead of my coworker. About how big of a b***h our boss is. Lol.
Honestly it worked out bc we talked it out and resolved a lot of pent up tension but when I first realized I was like omfg.
bradland reply
I complained rather bluntly, and using colorful language, about my M&A attorney to one of my business partners... It was a group text.
Fortunately, he was a professional. I called him to apologize, and explained that deal frustrations were getting the better of me. He allowed me to save face, and even put me at ease by saying that people have said far worse to him to his face.
2nickels reply
Let me preface this by stating I use to be a real big piece of s**t:
When my wife and I were dating we went out to eat at Applebee's in our relatively small town. Looking around the restaurant I noticed there were several females there that I had previously had 'relationships' with.
I thought I was texting my then room mate when I said:
"Including *future wife* there are 5 girls at this Applebee's that I've boned"
Instead I sent it to my now wife who was sitting across the table from me.
Had to do a lot of damage control after that. Been married 15 years this summer!
ThickSleevePlease reply
I accidentally sent my boss a message that meant to read "I have a bigger problem". I missed the B and hit the N. Yes, he's black 😭.