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Meredith she/her cis/omni
Community Member
5 posts
59 points
Hey!!! I'm passionate about all star cheer and funny cats!! I stand for equal rights for all! feel free to contact me if you disagree lol. also, i love sharks!
Meredith she/her cis/omni • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Biggest Brain Fart Moment?
Lettuce sauce (salad dressing) Nose holes (nostrils) Brain stamina (perserverance) I forget words a lot.Hey Pandas, What Was Your Biggest Brain Fart Moment?
I was teaching a dog handling class. Halfway through introducing a new command, mid-sentence, I spaced out (tbf I have absence seizures so it was a little more than space out)... and I fully just completely forgot what the hell I was doing. So the class is looking at me, my dog is looking at me, awkwardly waiting four the next command. I'm holding my hands on front of me... but like don't even remember what my train of thought was, what the signal was going to be. I'm looking at everyone, and they can't help me because this was all new... my instruction sheet is on the other side of the room from where I was... and it was a solid 2-3minutes of silence and a little nervous 'umms' and stutters before I finally apologised for the brain fart, had to walk the length of the training hall, look at my notes and then go back to where I was and begin again. I hate public speaking... so that was easily one of the worst moments in my life.Show All 4 Upvotes
Meredith she/her cis/omni • commented on 5 posts 1 year ago
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Meredith she/her cis/omni • submitted 27 list additions 1 year ago
Meredith she/her cis/omni • submitted 4 new posts 1 year ago
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Meredith she/her cis/omni • submitted 5 new posts 1 year ago
Meredith she/her cis/omni • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
Meredith she/her cis/omni • commented on 5 posts 1 year ago
Meredith she/her cis/omni • upvoted 6 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Biggest Brain Fart Moment?
Lettuce sauce (salad dressing) Nose holes (nostrils) Brain stamina (perserverance) I forget words a lot.Hey Pandas, What Was Your Biggest Brain Fart Moment?
I was teaching a dog handling class. Halfway through introducing a new command, mid-sentence, I spaced out (tbf I have absence seizures so it was a little more than space out)... and I fully just completely forgot what the hell I was doing. So the class is looking at me, my dog is looking at me, awkwardly waiting four the next command. I'm holding my hands on front of me... but like don't even remember what my train of thought was, what the signal was going to be. I'm looking at everyone, and they can't help me because this was all new... my instruction sheet is on the other side of the room from where I was... and it was a solid 2-3minutes of silence and a little nervous 'umms' and stutters before I finally apologised for the brain fart, had to walk the length of the training hall, look at my notes and then go back to where I was and begin again. I hate public speaking... so that was easily one of the worst moments in my life.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Meredith she/her cis/omni • 4 followers