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Anna-Karin Bergkvist
Community Member
1 posts
79 points
I am a UX designer living in stockholm. In my free time I make watercolor paintings.
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • upvoted 3 items 1 year ago
Weird Jobs Nobody Knows About
"I bounce on a pogo stick in a clown outfit. I was a professional pogoer BEFORE I got this job. I have been doing it for 8 years, and my current boss found my video on Youtube and offered me a job. Luckily I was located only about an hour and a half away and had no job at the time he contacted me."Weird Jobs Nobody Knows About
"I bounce on a pogo stick in a clown outfit. I was a professional pogoer BEFORE I got this job. I have been doing it for 8 years, and my current boss found my video on Youtube and offered me a job. Luckily I was located only about an hour and a half away and had no job at the time he contacted me."Show All 3 Upvotes
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • commented on a post 1 year ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • upvoted 3 items 3 years ago
I worked in maintenance at a beach resort. One of the housekeepers managed to get her son a job as a 'runner', someone who would collect the dirty laundry after the housekeepers stripped the beds. She was actually worried when he started working, because I guess he'd a bad track record with other jobs. About three days after he started working, his mother confronted him about his new, expensive-looking athletic shoes and a gold chain around his neck. He just shot back something about having a job now, which didn't make sense because he hadn't even been paid yet. About the same time, there were a couple of reports at the front desk from guests who were missing large sums of money. A police report was made, and people were questioned. So after only about four days, this kid was fired and went to jail for stealing from guest rooms.Fastest-Fired-Coworkers
I worked in maintenance at a beach resort. One of the housekeepers managed to get her son a job as a 'runner', someone who would collect the dirty laundry after the housekeepers stripped the beds. She was actually worried when he started working, because I guess he'd a bad track record with other jobs. About three days after he started working, his mother confronted him about his new, expensive-looking athletic shoes and a gold chain around his neck. He just shot back something about having a job now, which didn't make sense because he hadn't even been paid yet. About the same time, there were a couple of reports at the front desk from guests who were missing large sums of money. A police report was made, and people were questioned. So after only about four days, this kid was fired and went to jail for stealing from guest rooms.Show All 3 Upvotes
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • submitted a list addition 7 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • upvoted an item 8 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • submitted a list addition 8 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • commented on a post 8 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • submitted a new post 8 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • submitted a new post 8 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • submitted a list addition 7 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • submitted a list addition 8 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • commented on a post 1 year ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • commented on a post 8 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • upvoted 3 items 1 year ago
Weird Jobs Nobody Knows About
"I bounce on a pogo stick in a clown outfit. I was a professional pogoer BEFORE I got this job. I have been doing it for 8 years, and my current boss found my video on Youtube and offered me a job. Luckily I was located only about an hour and a half away and had no job at the time he contacted me." Anna-Karin Bergkvist • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Anna-Karin Bergkvist • upvoted 3 items 3 years ago
I worked in maintenance at a beach resort. One of the housekeepers managed to get her son a job as a 'runner', someone who would collect the dirty laundry after the housekeepers stripped the beds. She was actually worried when he started working, because I guess he'd a bad track record with other jobs. About three days after he started working, his mother confronted him about his new, expensive-looking athletic shoes and a gold chain around his neck. He just shot back something about having a job now, which didn't make sense because he hadn't even been paid yet. About the same time, there were a couple of reports at the front desk from guests who were missing large sums of money. A police report was made, and people were questioned. So after only about four days, this kid was fired and went to jail for stealing from guest rooms. Anna-Karin Bergkvist • upvoted an item 8 years ago
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Anna-Karin Bergkvist • 17 followers