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4 posts
9.1K points
venin, they/he. ultimate queer rock climber, king of memebur. i write occasionally, feel free to ask me about it :) i hope you have a good day <3

venintherogue • upvoted 38 items 1 year ago

JansFingerHorns reply
A snorkel mouth piece at the pool. No other parts , no one else around. The exact piece that my brother used to carry around when he was 2. What he was reaching for (we think) when he fell in and almost drowned. About 25 years later, he OD’d. And the morning we spread his ashes, later that day we went to my sister’s pool to get our minds off it. And we found that f*****g snorkel mouth piece. Miss you, Chicken.
SixFootSnipe reply
When I was a young man in my twenties I would go camping by myself often. On this particular time I had set up a tent in a small patch of grass not far from a creek. I was just walking to the creek with my pot to fill with water when I heard a strange squealing and went to investigate. I got to a steep bank and halfway down tangled in barbwire was a bear cub hanging by its neck and front leg squealing loudly. I looked and at the top of the bank was the mother and she was in distress calling and grunt/chirping ( the best way I can describe the sound.) My eyes met with the mother's and I was caught off guard. I looked at her and held my arms out palms out fingers pointed down. I somehow knew it would be ok to help the cub. I walked up to the bear cub and held it by the scruff of the neck with one hand and quickly unwrapped the wire with the other and set the cub on the ground and backed away. When I got far enough away to feel safe I couldn't see the bears anymore because of the bend in the creek and the bushes. It was nearly dark and I couldn't move my camp so I just stayed the night. The next morning as I was packing up my tent a bear came from the creekside with a large fish in its mouth. It was about forty feet from me before I noticed it. It looked at me, dropped the fish, grunted and turned and walked away.
boondockslasher reply
About 2018ish our at the time roommate asked if we would drive her to the next town over to meet some dude. My wife and I were kind of apprehensive just due to some of the stuff this guy was saying, but we decided we'd go, she even convinced us to stay and watch a movie with them, so f**k it, we started driving. We decided to stop for gas on the way out, grab a drink for the road, but as we were coming around the corner to the gas station, we saw a woman in a white sundress, no shoes, just strolling down the side of the road. She was so close to the middle of the road that I swerved to miss her then hammered on the brakes, got out and went to check if I had hit her. Nowhere to be found. No woman, no nothing, and there was nowhere she could have gone to the left or right. I checked under the car, nothing. We were all pretty rattled, but decided we'd keep going. As soon as we pulled into the gas station, the TPMS went off saying the two passenger sides tires were flat, sure enough, both valve stems had sheared off. We got the car towed, went home, called it a night. While later we found out the guy whose house we were supposed to go to got arrested after a search warrant was executed on the property and they found human remains. I still believe we were saved by the dark haired woman in the sundress.
TylerTexas10 reply
My grandmother swears I was saved by an Angel at the beach when I was a baby. Obviously I was way too young to remember but the way the story goes is we were floating around in the ocean and a wave knocked lil 6 month me off of a raft and away from my grandma. She claims she panicked and that I was nowhere to be seen, but as she ran to the shore a freakishly tall old man with wispy grey hair caught her and handed me over. After checking to see if I was okay she turned to thank him but says he had vanished completely.Show All 38 Upvotes

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