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Weirdest Bi You’ll Ever Meet
Community Member
You wassup my fellow BP peoples! I’m Weirdest Bi You‘ll Ever Meet and I’m the weirdest bi you’ll ever meet! I love anime, books (always fantasy!) and BP. Ive been learning German ever sense July to someday go to Germany! I’m crazy for the book series The Tale of Magic and I highly recommend, if you like fairies and fantasy, of course!
There are so many weird and amazing people on BP like Zara the Squiddy Squid, Aunt Riarch( I didnt mean to misspell your name), Irishgoatgirl, and sooo many more people!
Support Zara, and please don’t be rude! Or else I’ll use my weirdness to turn you crazy… or turn you into a tree.
Oh, and ‘weirdo‘ is the highest compliment I will give to anyone!