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Jean Jacket
Community Member

To the world we dream about.. and to the one we live in now

tulipvonsquirrel reply
I lived a five minute walk from a grocery store. One evening, as I was leaving the grocery checkout I noticed a man at another register abandon his items without paying and walk out. I thought it was strange and kept my eyes open.
I realized the man was skirting around in the shadows following me so I stopped walking when I hit a busy corner and phoned my husband while the man hid behind some construction equipment.
My husband got our baby out of bed, strapped her in her car seat and drove down the street to pick me up and drive me home. We drove around the neighbourhood so the man would not see where we lived.
A week later that man was in the news, he was arrested for multiple r*pes in my neighbourhood. The cops chose to not warn women that a violent serial r*pist had been active in our neighbourhood. I was almost his next victim.
I never walked the 3 blocks to the grocery store again. Always drove. F**k Toronto police for not warning us about a monster attacking women in my area.

anon reply
During the pandemic I used to collect clothes and goods for the trash men where i used to life. I would leave them in the street anonymously and classified for them to take like clothes, toys, food, etc. would always try to make it every two weeks or so.
One day i was walking my dog (he is big but super gentle and chill) and one of them just looked at my dog and asked me if he was a good boy and i said yes thinking he was going to pet him or something, he proceeded to try and slap and kick him and laughed. Obviously i blocked him from getting to my dog and started screaming at him, the other guys just laughed. My dog was crying and my neighbours saw all of this and told them off.
Three weeks passed and they started asking around the block about the things someone used to leave for them to collect since they would be much help for them and they haven't seen anything for them in a while. I was just walking out of my building and over heard them asking my concierge, so i said "It was me, i collected that for you guys, it stopped the second you tried to assault my dog and thought it was funny", they looked like their eyes where about to leave their socket. They apologised, i said nothing so they went with "look, it's just an animal we have kids we need those things" so i said "It took me about a week to collect and clean things for you guys each time i left them there, i did it anonymously because i was always taught that charity with a name it's called vanity. You should always be respectful and treat people well not only when is convenient to you also don't ever feel entitled to people's kindness." Turns out i was the only one who did this in the whole county we where in. My neighbours all saw what happened so they refused to give them anything as well.
I never collected anything for them ever again.

tulipvonsquirrel reply
I lived a five minute walk from a grocery store. One evening, as I was leaving the grocery checkout I noticed a man at another register abandon his items without paying and walk out. I thought it was strange and kept my eyes open.
I realized the man was skirting around in the shadows following me so I stopped walking when I hit a busy corner and phoned my husband while the man hid behind some construction equipment.
My husband got our baby out of bed, strapped her in her car seat and drove down the street to pick me up and drive me home. We drove around the neighbourhood so the man would not see where we lived.
A week later that man was in the news, he was arrested for multiple r*pes in my neighbourhood. The cops chose to not warn women that a violent serial r*pist had been active in our neighbourhood. I was almost his next victim.
I never walked the 3 blocks to the grocery store again. Always drove. F**k Toronto police for not warning us about a monster attacking women in my area.