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12 posts
471 points
Words taste like peaches

Allydog57 • submitted 14 list additions 10 months ago

Allydog57 • upvoted 21 items 10 months ago

M2LEAR reply
I dated a guy for a while who, while he wasn't like 1% level of wealthy, his income was almost definitely in the top 10%. At the time, I was raising 4 boys on my own on what I earned bartending, so the income disparity was huge. He was a genuinely good guy. Kind, generous, absolutely willing to step up and be a father figure to my boys (3 of my own and I had custody of one of my cousins). He took all of us on some amazing vacations. Bought all of us pretty much anything we wanted. I got a Mercedes convertible for my birthday (my *fun car, he also had already bought me a Dodge Durango for hauling all my kids and dogs around) He wanted to marry me and bought me a ROCK. When I moved out of the state we lived in, he helped me get a place, move, and for the first 6 months, paid all of my bills and gave me a "fun money" allowance of $5K per month. Told me, "you've worked so hard for this, take some time to just relax and enjoy life with your kids" So what happened? Timing, mostly. And his insecurities. Both of us had just recently divorced. He had literally never really been single and was terrified of being alone. And my divorce and custody battle had been f*****g brutal - I was determined to just be on my own. The harder he clung to me, the harder I pulled away. I felt like he was buying me, and how could my kids respect me, how could I respect myself, if I stayed in a relationship based mostly on money. I felt like I was no different than a street walking prostitute -- I just had a higher price tag. And that he didn't love me, he would latch on to anyone to avoid being alone. So I gave him back the Mercedes and the rock, went back to bartending, and we ended things. He was in a new relationship within about a week, and I raised my boys on my own. I've told him - and 100% truly meant every word - that the best gift he gave me wasn't the car or jewelry or the great trips. He gave me the gift of time with my kids. The divorce had been so nasty, we'd spent several years just going thru hell and trying to survive. And for those 6 months, for the first time ever, I had both plenty of time AND money to just enjoy life. And those 6 months were AMAZING. Every day was an adventure. My boys and I lived a life that most people can only dream of and I'll be forever grateful to him for that.
M2LEAR reply
I dated a guy for a while who, while he wasn't like 1% level of wealthy, his income was almost definitely in the top 10%. At the time, I was raising 4 boys on my own on what I earned bartending, so the income disparity was huge. He was a genuinely good guy. Kind, generous, absolutely willing to step up and be a father figure to my boys (3 of my own and I had custody of one of my cousins). He took all of us on some amazing vacations. Bought all of us pretty much anything we wanted. I got a Mercedes convertible for my birthday (my *fun car, he also had already bought me a Dodge Durango for hauling all my kids and dogs around) He wanted to marry me and bought me a ROCK. When I moved out of the state we lived in, he helped me get a place, move, and for the first 6 months, paid all of my bills and gave me a "fun money" allowance of $5K per month. Told me, "you've worked so hard for this, take some time to just relax and enjoy life with your kids" So what happened? Timing, mostly. And his insecurities. Both of us had just recently divorced. He had literally never really been single and was terrified of being alone. And my divorce and custody battle had been f*****g brutal - I was determined to just be on my own. The harder he clung to me, the harder I pulled away. I felt like he was buying me, and how could my kids respect me, how could I respect myself, if I stayed in a relationship based mostly on money. I felt like I was no different than a street walking prostitute -- I just had a higher price tag. And that he didn't love me, he would latch on to anyone to avoid being alone. So I gave him back the Mercedes and the rock, went back to bartending, and we ended things. He was in a new relationship within about a week, and I raised my boys on my own. I've told him - and 100% truly meant every word - that the best gift he gave me wasn't the car or jewelry or the great trips. He gave me the gift of time with my kids. The divorce had been so nasty, we'd spent several years just going thru hell and trying to survive. And for those 6 months, for the first time ever, I had both plenty of time AND money to just enjoy life. And those 6 months were AMAZING. Every day was an adventure. My boys and I lived a life that most people can only dream of and I'll be forever grateful to him for that.
Hey Pandas, Tell Us A Moment In Your Life You Would Re-Live Again
The moment my crush said he loved me.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
Brings me coffee most every morning. Even whips the half/half to pour over the top.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
He took me out on a date, gave me flowers, so I gave him a book in return, and we had a lovely night w/ each other on the beach.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
Yesterday, I wanted a pineapple martini, but our one can of pineapple juice was 6 months out of date and the drink required a lime we didn’t have. I got home from work tonight and not only was there a pineapple martini, but a bouquet of flowers and he’s making macaroni and cheese from scratch in the Instant Pot. All this while he’s going through a period of depression. He’s the most extraordinary guy.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
Lots of little things this week in a holiday at home together. He got up every morning with the puppy. It’s usually me as he works away a lot. He makes me coffee and brings it to bed. He reminds me to take my medications. I leaned up to watch the puppy dreaming and he just put a supporting hand behind me to take my weight. He respects that I’m on good terms with my ex husband and mum-in-law and spends time with them with me.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
Got off a train. (To clarify, we don't live together, so he doesn't know my every plan) Now rush hour is bad everywhere, so getting on your train AND getting a seat is a major win not to be tossed aside lightly. He was going home from work, I was going to he seaside for the weekend on a different train. Both journeys starting at the main terminus. I looked up and saw him on his train at the next platform reading his paper, so I got my phone out to text him. Next thing, I looked up and he wasn't there. Nope, he was sitting beside me. I thought it was so sweet of him to miss his train to come and wish me a good weekend.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
My husband (who does not eat red meat) bought some New York Strip steaks and grilled them along with roasted corn for our kids and I. He knows that since we have opted not to regularly cook red meat in our house, it's a huge treat for us. He never fails to just "know" how to do those little things that say, "I love you and I appreciate you." Even if he doesn't say it. We've been together for 24 years and have gone through so much together that these little ways he expresses his feelings are my most treasured moments with him.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
I recently learned that I will need an LVAD (heart pump) installed in my body. My SO and I discussed options but she says she will aid and support me after it is done and do all the chores until I recover. She also suggested we go to hotel with a hot tub because before it is all done, as I will never be able to use one again (the LVAD machinery is outside the body and must be kept dry). I love her so much.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
During COVID, I was hideously depressed and struggled to get out of bed. My partner would take my stuffies (mostly gifts from him to me) and make little dioramas of them, so I would get up in the mornings to see what was waiting for me. I'm feeling much better now, but he still does it sometimes.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
This December we will have lived together for 40 years. I get breakfast made for me everyday. It’s a cup of espresso coffee with some toast and something on the toast. Oh, and I have it in bed. He’s a good person.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
He bought both me and my daughter gifts. She's not his daughter, but he's done more for her and treated her with more respect and consideration than her bio dad. This guy is amazing.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
I worked for a bank, until 1AM. (All home loans had to be disclosed by midnight.) I usually had to park about two blocks away from our house at that hour. One night it was just pouring down rain. I pulled into my parking spot around 2AM, and prepared myself to get a good soaking, when there was a tap on my window. My boyfriend was standing there with an umbrella to walk me home.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
Breaking up. I know it sounds horrible, but hear me out: after nearly two years of living together, realizing that we had rushed things, that the initial spark was gone and had made too many mistakes and hurt each other too much, understanding we are not made for each other was liberating. Coming to terms that we both are very different people, aspire to different things and have different, irreconcilable views, conceptions and goals of and about life (neither good nor bad, just different) is the most wholesome and mature things a broken couple can do: understanding your SO could not be that person. The farewell was bittersweet, but allowed each other to go on our different paths in peace.
Hey Pandas, What Is Love?
Realizing that you'll do anything to make them happy, even if that means letting them go.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
I'm very lost when I wake up in the morning - holding on to walls and such. Since my husband took his retirement, he started making my coffees (2) and straightened my clothing, PJs or day clothing, doesn't matter. LOL. Actually my adult daughter always gets my (long) hair out of my coat when I see her.Show All 21 Upvotes

Allydog57 • commented on 5 posts 10 months ago
Show All 5 Comments

Allydog57 • submitted a new post 10 months ago

Allydog57 • submitted 20 list additions 10 months ago

Allydog57 • commented on 6 posts 10 months ago

Allydog57 • commented on 14 posts 2 years ago

Allydog57 • upvoted 20 items 10 months ago

M2LEAR reply
I dated a guy for a while who, while he wasn't like 1% level of wealthy, his income was almost definitely in the top 10%. At the time, I was raising 4 boys on my own on what I earned bartending, so the income disparity was huge. He was a genuinely good guy. Kind, generous, absolutely willing to step up and be a father figure to my boys (3 of my own and I had custody of one of my cousins). He took all of us on some amazing vacations. Bought all of us pretty much anything we wanted. I got a Mercedes convertible for my birthday (my *fun car, he also had already bought me a Dodge Durango for hauling all my kids and dogs around) He wanted to marry me and bought me a ROCK. When I moved out of the state we lived in, he helped me get a place, move, and for the first 6 months, paid all of my bills and gave me a "fun money" allowance of $5K per month. Told me, "you've worked so hard for this, take some time to just relax and enjoy life with your kids" So what happened? Timing, mostly. And his insecurities. Both of us had just recently divorced. He had literally never really been single and was terrified of being alone. And my divorce and custody battle had been f*****g brutal - I was determined to just be on my own. The harder he clung to me, the harder I pulled away. I felt like he was buying me, and how could my kids respect me, how could I respect myself, if I stayed in a relationship based mostly on money. I felt like I was no different than a street walking prostitute -- I just had a higher price tag. And that he didn't love me, he would latch on to anyone to avoid being alone. So I gave him back the Mercedes and the rock, went back to bartending, and we ended things. He was in a new relationship within about a week, and I raised my boys on my own. I've told him - and 100% truly meant every word - that the best gift he gave me wasn't the car or jewelry or the great trips. He gave me the gift of time with my kids. The divorce had been so nasty, we'd spent several years just going thru hell and trying to survive. And for those 6 months, for the first time ever, I had both plenty of time AND money to just enjoy life. And those 6 months were AMAZING. Every day was an adventure. My boys and I lived a life that most people can only dream of and I'll be forever grateful to him for that.
Hey Pandas, Tell Us A Moment In Your Life You Would Re-Live Again
The moment my crush said he loved me.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
He took me out on a date, gave me flowers, so I gave him a book in return, and we had a lovely night w/ each other on the beach.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
Brings me coffee most every morning. Even whips the half/half to pour over the top.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
Got off a train. (To clarify, we don't live together, so he doesn't know my every plan) Now rush hour is bad everywhere, so getting on your train AND getting a seat is a major win not to be tossed aside lightly. He was going home from work, I was going to he seaside for the weekend on a different train. Both journeys starting at the main terminus. I looked up and saw him on his train at the next platform reading his paper, so I got my phone out to text him. Next thing, I looked up and he wasn't there. Nope, he was sitting beside me. I thought it was so sweet of him to miss his train to come and wish me a good weekend.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
My husband (who does not eat red meat) bought some New York Strip steaks and grilled them along with roasted corn for our kids and I. He knows that since we have opted not to regularly cook red meat in our house, it's a huge treat for us. He never fails to just "know" how to do those little things that say, "I love you and I appreciate you." Even if he doesn't say it. We've been together for 24 years and have gone through so much together that these little ways he expresses his feelings are my most treasured moments with him.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
Yesterday, I wanted a pineapple martini, but our one can of pineapple juice was 6 months out of date and the drink required a lime we didn’t have. I got home from work tonight and not only was there a pineapple martini, but a bouquet of flowers and he’s making macaroni and cheese from scratch in the Instant Pot. All this while he’s going through a period of depression. He’s the most extraordinary guy.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
Lots of little things this week in a holiday at home together. He got up every morning with the puppy. It’s usually me as he works away a lot. He makes me coffee and brings it to bed. He reminds me to take my medications. I leaned up to watch the puppy dreaming and he just put a supporting hand behind me to take my weight. He respects that I’m on good terms with my ex husband and mum-in-law and spends time with them with me.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
I recently learned that I will need an LVAD (heart pump) installed in my body. My SO and I discussed options but she says she will aid and support me after it is done and do all the chores until I recover. She also suggested we go to hotel with a hot tub because before it is all done, as I will never be able to use one again (the LVAD machinery is outside the body and must be kept dry). I love her so much.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
During COVID, I was hideously depressed and struggled to get out of bed. My partner would take my stuffies (mostly gifts from him to me) and make little dioramas of them, so I would get up in the mornings to see what was waiting for me. I'm feeling much better now, but he still does it sometimes.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
He bought both me and my daughter gifts. She's not his daughter, but he's done more for her and treated her with more respect and consideration than her bio dad. This guy is amazing.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
This December we will have lived together for 40 years. I get breakfast made for me everyday. It’s a cup of espresso coffee with some toast and something on the toast. Oh, and I have it in bed. He’s a good person.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
I worked for a bank, until 1AM. (All home loans had to be disclosed by midnight.) I usually had to park about two blocks away from our house at that hour. One night it was just pouring down rain. I pulled into my parking spot around 2AM, and prepared myself to get a good soaking, when there was a tap on my window. My boyfriend was standing there with an umbrella to walk me home.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Wholesome Thing Your SO Has Done Recently?
Breaking up. I know it sounds horrible, but hear me out: after nearly two years of living together, realizing that we had rushed things, that the initial spark was gone and had made too many mistakes and hurt each other too much, understanding we are not made for each other was liberating. Coming to terms that we both are very different people, aspire to different things and have different, irreconcilable views, conceptions and goals of and about life (neither good nor bad, just different) is the most wholesome and mature things a broken couple can do: understanding your SO could not be that person. The farewell was bittersweet, but allowed each other to go on our different paths in peace.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet