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I am me. You are you. I like drawing, reading, cleaning, organizing, and scrolling through Bored Panda. Also my favorite saying to scamming bots is "Get a billboard". And sorry if I say LOL to much, lol.\\ (Btw I was previously *Displayname*=idk)
Yeet_girl360 • upvoted 3 items 5 months ago
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Yeet_girl360 • upvoted 7 items 10 months ago
investinlove reply
Genius dude, who is now a CalTech prof, was bullied mercilessly by a bunch of jocks, and the leader was a spoiled kid with a Porsche 928--this was 1985. A rumor started that someone f****d with this guy's car and as days went by it was clear that it was so bad the car was totaled, but not a lot of folks knew what happened. I was pretty good friends with this kid, Rob, was always nice to him and his brain (both parents worked at NASA JPL) fascinated me. Turns out Rob had managed to break into the guy's car at night at his house with a slimjim and left something tucked under the driver's seat. It was a tightly sealed Quart Ball Jar with a dead rat, 4" of hydrogen peroxide and 3" of water. The chemical putrefied the dead rat into a horrific stank liquid, and it also intensified the aroma produced, as Rob said, "By an order of magnitude." Rob said that anyone within 20' would puke uncontrollably, and the smell would persist YEARS. I think I'm the only one who knows why, a few days later, the jar exploded all over the car and the smell was so bad that they had to junk the car for parts. Pretty sure the kid got another Porsche from daddy--but the fact that Rob destroyed an entire Porsche and humiliated this dips**t for less than $5 is still legendary in my mind. I kept the secret until almost 20 years later.Show All 7 Upvotes
Yeet_girl360 • upvoted an item 11 months ago
Yeet_girl360 • upvoted 29 items 1 year ago
Home & Design
Home Inspectors Share The Funniest And Most Questionable Things They've Seen On The Job (50 Pics)
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Yeet_girl360 • submitted 2 new posts 1 year ago
Yeet_girl360 • submitted 18 new posts 2 years ago
Ask Pandas
Would You Be Willing To Murder An Innocent Person If It Would End All Cancer In The World Forever? What About World Hunger?
Yeet_girl360 • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
Yeet_girl360 • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Yeet_girl360 • upvoted 5 items 5 months ago
Yeet_girl360 • upvoted 14 items 10 months ago
investinlove reply
Genius dude, who is now a CalTech prof, was bullied mercilessly by a bunch of jocks, and the leader was a spoiled kid with a Porsche 928--this was 1985. A rumor started that someone f****d with this guy's car and as days went by it was clear that it was so bad the car was totaled, but not a lot of folks knew what happened. I was pretty good friends with this kid, Rob, was always nice to him and his brain (both parents worked at NASA JPL) fascinated me. Turns out Rob had managed to break into the guy's car at night at his house with a slimjim and left something tucked under the driver's seat. It was a tightly sealed Quart Ball Jar with a dead rat, 4" of hydrogen peroxide and 3" of water. The chemical putrefied the dead rat into a horrific stank liquid, and it also intensified the aroma produced, as Rob said, "By an order of magnitude." Rob said that anyone within 20' would puke uncontrollably, and the smell would persist YEARS. I think I'm the only one who knows why, a few days later, the jar exploded all over the car and the smell was so bad that they had to junk the car for parts. Pretty sure the kid got another Porsche from daddy--but the fact that Rob destroyed an entire Porsche and humiliated this dips**t for less than $5 is still legendary in my mind. I kept the secret until almost 20 years later. Yeet_girl360 • upvoted an item 1 year ago
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