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poe <3
Community Member
2 posts
59 points
any pronouns
loves reading, drowning myself in music, my kitten and plants
hmu if u wanna :)
poe <3 • upvoted 6 items 1 year ago
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poe <3 • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
poe <3 • upvoted 17 items 2 years ago
astrangeone88 reply
Chinese Canadian. I'm going to provoke a lot of proud Southerners with this. Sweet tea is sugar water with a hint of tea. My first experience of sweet tea was at a Floridian McDonald's. I ordered iced tea and I got the question of "sweet or unsweet?" I'm dying of the heat and humidity (Canadians don't do well in hot weather) and I wanted slightly sweetened tea and I didn't know the history of sweet tea (sugar was expensive so people showed off by mixing diabetes inducing amounts of the stuff into their tea) so I was expecting anything but a sugar syrup in a cup. I went back and bought a bottle of water. If a 12 year old with no easy access to sugar thinks it's too sweet to drink, it is. Also, any mayo based salad! Ewww.Who Wants To Snuggle Up In Bed In This Loft Apartment, Watching And Listening To The Rain On The Slanted Windows? Decor By Design - 1988
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poe <3 • commented on 12 posts 2 years ago
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poe <3 • started following a person 2 years ago
poe <3 • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
poe <3 • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
poe <3 • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
poe <3 • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
poe <3 • commented on 15 posts 2 years ago
poe <3 • upvoted 6 items 1 year ago
poe <3 • upvoted 14 items 2 years ago
astrangeone88 reply
Chinese Canadian. I'm going to provoke a lot of proud Southerners with this. Sweet tea is sugar water with a hint of tea. My first experience of sweet tea was at a Floridian McDonald's. I ordered iced tea and I got the question of "sweet or unsweet?" I'm dying of the heat and humidity (Canadians don't do well in hot weather) and I wanted slightly sweetened tea and I didn't know the history of sweet tea (sugar was expensive so people showed off by mixing diabetes inducing amounts of the stuff into their tea) so I was expecting anything but a sugar syrup in a cup. I went back and bought a bottle of water. If a 12 year old with no easy access to sugar thinks it's too sweet to drink, it is. Also, any mayo based salad! Ewww. poe <3 • is following 3 people
poe <3 • 2 followers