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Hey! I’m JustAnotherCommenter and my pfp was made by someone on picrew. I love art and humor on here. I also love submitting on BoredPanda! P.S. My pronouns are she/they/he. P.P.S have a nice day!

50 Incredibly Cool Things That Are Free Online That Everyone Should Take Advantage Of

“Sniffing Rubbing Alcohol Gets Rid Of Nausea”: 50 Weird Life Hacks That Work For Some Reason

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remembering_things reply
Taking a big whiff of something astringent - like an alcohol wipe or lemon juice - can get rid of nausea.
The first time someone suggested smelling rubbing alcohol to me I thought they were insane but it got rid of my nausea almost instantly.

cdl010213 reply
I pretty much live by: if you hate everyone, eat something. if you feel like you hate yourself, take a shower. if you feel like everyone hates you, get some sleep.
it’s a very simplistic approach, but just being able to focus on those basic needs helps if my mental/physical health isn’t in the best shape!! (which it usually isnt haha).

“Sniffing Rubbing Alcohol Gets Rid Of Nausea”: 50 Weird Life Hacks That Work For Some Reason

50 Incredibly Cool Things That Are Free Online That Everyone Should Take Advantage Of