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Aliona Helis
Community Member
Hi there! My name is Alyona, and I'm a creative person who absolutely loves needlework. I have a passion for crafting beautiful baby mobiles and toys by hand, and I put my heart and soul into every single one of them. I use a variety of colors, patterns, and textures to create unique and visually stimulating designs for babies. I believe that my mobiles and toys can bring happiness and joy to both babies and parents, and I'm so happy to be able to do something that makes people happy.I am a person who put a lot of care in my work, I'm dedicated to providing high-quality, handmade baby mobiles and toys that can help to soothe and relax infants while also promoting their visual and cognitive development. Whether you're a new parent looking for a special addition to your baby's nursery, or a grandparent searching for a thoughtful gift, I'm here to create a beautiful and memorable mobile or toy that you'll treasure for years to come.
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