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Severus Snape
Community Member
2 posts
93 points
“Always” 🦌
Severus Snape • commented on a post 3 years ago
Severus Snape • upvoted 17 items 4 years ago
Who’s Your Least Favourite Harry Potter Character And Why?
BELLATRIX IS THE WOOOORRSSTT. She is the worst human being in the entire book. 1. She tortured Nevilles parents into insanity 2. She killed Sirius and TEASED HARRY ABOUT IT 3. DOBBY 4. She almost killed GINNY Thank you for coming to my Ted talk *mic drops*Who’s Your Least Favourite Harry Potter Character And Why?
BELLATRIX IS THE WOOOORRSSTT. She is the worst human being in the entire book. 1. She tortured Nevilles parents into insanity 2. She killed Sirius and TEASED HARRY ABOUT IT 3. DOBBY 4. She almost killed GINNY Thank you for coming to my Ted talk *mic drops*I Don't Think This One Applies If You're Not A Fan Of Harry Potter, But It's The Funniest One I Found!
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Severus Snape • submitted 5 list additions 4 years ago
Severus Snape • commented on 15 posts 4 years ago
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Severus Snape • submitted a new post 4 years ago
Severus Snape • started following a person 4 years ago
Severus Snape • submitted 2 new posts 4 years ago
Severus Snape • submitted 10 list additions 4 years ago
Severus Snape • commented on a post 3 years ago
Severus Snape • commented on 19 posts 4 years ago
Severus Snape • upvoted 6 items 3 years ago
Severus Snape • upvoted 14 items 4 years ago
Who’s Your Least Favourite Harry Potter Character And Why?
BELLATRIX IS THE WOOOORRSSTT. She is the worst human being in the entire book. 1. She tortured Nevilles parents into insanity 2. She killed Sirius and TEASED HARRY ABOUT IT 3. DOBBY 4. She almost killed GINNY Thank you for coming to my Ted talk *mic drops*These Knockoff Movies, Video Brinquedo, You Inspired These Knockoffs, Created One Of Them,well Played. Well Played...
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