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Sandro da Silva
Community Member
1 posts
28 points
Brazilian photographer, artist, musician, passion for arts, nature, astronomy, UFO's, Human History, Dogs and Cats and anything Cute.
Sandro da Silva • commented on a post 3 years ago
Sandro da Silva • upvoted 8 items 3 years ago
During the Japanese Edo period, blackened teeth were popular amongst aristocrats and married women. Blackened teeth were considered a sign of beauty and the practice helped preserve teeth into old age. In 1870, this practice was banned by the Japanese government. Blackening teeth wasn't just popular in Japan, and some people still practice this today.Obscure-Beauty-Trends
In the 1920s the portable hair dryer came on to the market. This was a more convenient alternative to the bulky hair dryers of the time. The device was very dangerous though and would cause burns, electrocutions, and death.Obscure-Beauty-Trends
Shortly after the invention of the x-ray machine, people used the machine to treat acne, eczema and for hair removal. Some of the side effects included atrophy, ulcerations, and cancer.Obscure-Beauty-Trends
In ancient Greece the uni-brow was considered the sign of purity and intelligence. It was ideal to have eyebrows that melded together in the middle. Some women would darken their eyebrows with powder, while others would wear fake eyebrows made from goat's hair.Obscure-Beauty-Trends
In the 18th century, before invention of hairspray, women would use lard to sculpt their wigs. Yes, lard. One of the downsides is that the wig would become a literal rat's nest. Sometimes rats would live in the wig for weeks. Women had to sleep with cages around their heads to keep the rats away.Show All 8 Upvotes
Sandro da Silva • commented on 2 posts 5 years ago
Sandro da Silva • upvoted 28 items 5 years ago
Show All 28 Upvotes
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Sandro da Silva • commented on a post 3 years ago
Sandro da Silva • commented on 2 posts 5 years ago
Sandro da Silva • commented on a post 6 years ago
Sandro da Silva • commented on 5 posts 8 years ago
Sandro da Silva • upvoted 8 items 3 years ago
In the 1920s the portable hair dryer came on to the market. This was a more convenient alternative to the bulky hair dryers of the time. The device was very dangerous though and would cause burns, electrocutions, and death.Obscure-Beauty-Trends
Shortly after the invention of the x-ray machine, people used the machine to treat acne, eczema and for hair removal. Some of the side effects included atrophy, ulcerations, and cancer.Obscure-Beauty-Trends
In ancient Greece the uni-brow was considered the sign of purity and intelligence. It was ideal to have eyebrows that melded together in the middle. Some women would darken their eyebrows with powder, while others would wear fake eyebrows made from goat's hair.Obscure-Beauty-Trends
During the Japanese Edo period, blackened teeth were popular amongst aristocrats and married women. Blackened teeth were considered a sign of beauty and the practice helped preserve teeth into old age. In 1870, this practice was banned by the Japanese government. Blackening teeth wasn't just popular in Japan, and some people still practice this today.Obscure-Beauty-Trends
In the 18th century, before invention of hairspray, women would use lard to sculpt their wigs. Yes, lard. One of the downsides is that the wig would become a literal rat's nest. Sometimes rats would live in the wig for weeks. Women had to sleep with cages around their heads to keep the rats away. Sandro da Silva • upvoted 12 items 5 years ago
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