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Community Member

27 posts
2.4K points
Hi pandas! My names ( not saying )! I like the animes Hunter x Hunter, My hero Academia, and The disasterious life of Saiki K, reading, animal crossing,and the youtube series Hermitcraft! I sometimes post and comment everywhere! Maybe I'll make a cake for you if you're nice! I am also Bisexual and my pronouns are she/her if you are wondering! I also live for Hamilton and I wanna be in the room where it happens! Oh yah, don't forget my crippling anxiety and willingness to die!

Kirbi • commented on 18 posts 3 years ago
Show All 18 Comments

Kirbi • started following a person 3 years ago

Kirbi • upvoted 17 items 3 years ago

Hey Pandas, If You Were Ever Scammed On The Internet Or In Real Life, How Did It Go Down?
So... i bought nothing from amazon, but got a call saying that i did. So i looked at amazon and saw 10 things ranging from 1k to 5k dollars. I was like wtf who did this. Apparently, this person had called me before, and stole all of my personal data. How i got my money back is that i saw where the adress was forwarded to. I drove straight to that house, and found the same guy who i had been on the phone with. He later git 1.5 years of jail time. :D
Hey Pandas, If You Were Ever Scammed On The Internet Or In Real Life, How Did It Go Down?
So... i bought nothing from amazon, but got a call saying that i did. So i looked at amazon and saw 10 things ranging from 1k to 5k dollars. I was like wtf who did this. Apparently, this person had called me before, and stole all of my personal data. How i got my money back is that i saw where the adress was forwarded to. I drove straight to that house, and found the same guy who i had been on the phone with. He later git 1.5 years of jail time. :D
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Biggest Fear, And Has It Happened To You?
My biggest fear isn't exactly a phobia but it is just something I'm terrified of happening to me. I have a fear of watching someone commit suicide. Just the thought of watching someone end their life in front of me makes me shiver. I do not like thinking about it at all but its such a serious topic that just sits in the back of my mind and I think about it when I'm trying to sleep...
Hey Pandas, If You Were Ever Scammed On The Internet Or In Real Life, How Did It Go Down?
Okay. My grandma and I get scam calls a LOT. We all know its a scam because either the number is super long or the number starts with the letter V. A few times my grandma literally flirted with them. She is very old. I seriously love them calling.
Hey pandas, What Kind Of Role Would You Want In A TV Show?
The main charterers best friend that's is everyone favorite character.
Hey pandas, What Kind Of Role Would You Want In A TV Show?
That one crazy friend who has no filter, speaks her mind and likes to have fun all the time.
Hey pandas, What Kind Of Role Would You Want In A TV Show?
Funny guy that can kill entire armies if he wanted toShow All 17 Upvotes

Kirbi • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago

Kirbi • submitted 7 new posts 3 years ago

Kirbi • submitted 13 new posts 4 years ago

Kirbi • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago

Kirbi • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago

Kirbi • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago

Hey Pandas, If You Were Ever Scammed On The Internet Or In Real Life, How Did It Go Down?
So... i bought nothing from amazon, but got a call saying that i did. So i looked at amazon and saw 10 things ranging from 1k to 5k dollars. I was like wtf who did this. Apparently, this person had called me before, and stole all of my personal data. How i got my money back is that i saw where the adress was forwarded to. I drove straight to that house, and found the same guy who i had been on the phone with. He later git 1.5 years of jail time. :D
Hey Pandas, If You Were Ever Scammed On The Internet Or In Real Life, How Did It Go Down?
Okay. My grandma and I get scam calls a LOT. We all know its a scam because either the number is super long or the number starts with the letter V. A few times my grandma literally flirted with them. She is very old. I seriously love them calling.
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Biggest Fear, And Has It Happened To You?
My biggest fear isn't exactly a phobia but it is just something I'm terrified of happening to me. I have a fear of watching someone commit suicide. Just the thought of watching someone end their life in front of me makes me shiver. I do not like thinking about it at all but its such a serious topic that just sits in the back of my mind and I think about it when I'm trying to sleep...
Hey pandas, What Kind Of Role Would You Want In A TV Show?
Funny guy that can kill entire armies if he wanted to
Hey pandas, What Kind Of Role Would You Want In A TV Show?
The main charterers best friend that's is everyone favorite character.
Hey pandas, What Kind Of Role Would You Want In A TV Show?
That one crazy friend who has no filter, speaks her mind and likes to have fun all the time.
Kirbi • is following 47 people

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