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A girl from Québec (and self-confessed Icelandophile) who works in wildlife conservation and adores nature and music
phroexx reply
My mom does this thing where she remembers my youth way different than it happned, mostly to protect her psyche I think. So really I don't hide anything from her so much as I don't confront her with the awful reality of it all, how many emotional problems she saddled me with, how unprepared for life she left me.
I mean don't get me wrong, I want to. But I just don't see what good it'd do.
phroexx reply
My mom does this thing where she remembers my youth way different than it happned, mostly to protect her psyche I think. So really I don't hide anything from her so much as I don't confront her with the awful reality of it all, how many emotional problems she saddled me with, how unprepared for life she left me.
I mean don't get me wrong, I want to. But I just don't see what good it'd do.