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I’ll update this sometime 😌✌️
Neonx • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Neonx • upvoted 8 items 2 years ago
Show All 8 Upvotes
Neonx • upvoted 28 items 3 years ago
Oh boy finally my time to shine! I talked to a girl on tinder 8 years ago. She got drunk and told me to come over because her and friends were playing strip poker. I was on overnight duty so sadly I could not partake. 30 minutes later i recieve a picture on my phone that i couldn't even make out. I handed my phone to my roomate and asked if he could figure it out. He says "dude. Thats a butthole." It surely was. She had taken a picture of her butthole from at measly 0.5 inches away and it was so close up i could barely tell what it was. I thought to myself if this is how she leads the rest has to be great! (Spoiler alert: was wrong.) She tells me we should finally meet next weekend. At applesbees. I meet her there and she looks BEAT. Like she had just run 5 triathalons and been awake for a week straight. Not 3 minutes into meeting and sitting down she says she has to use the restroom. She doesnt come back for 30min+. The waiter comes up and says he has seen her here multiple times and she has been known to shoot up heroin in the bathroom and pass out. Im very not into this at this point but for her own safety i ask if a waitress could peak in the bathroom and see if she is okay. She was not. She OD'd and died. So that was a thing. TLDR: my tinder date showed me her butthole then OD'd and died at Applebee's.People-Share-Worst-Dating-Experiences
Oh boy finally my time to shine! I talked to a girl on tinder 8 years ago. She got drunk and told me to come over because her and friends were playing strip poker. I was on overnight duty so sadly I could not partake. 30 minutes later i recieve a picture on my phone that i couldn't even make out. I handed my phone to my roomate and asked if he could figure it out. He says "dude. Thats a butthole." It surely was. She had taken a picture of her butthole from at measly 0.5 inches away and it was so close up i could barely tell what it was. I thought to myself if this is how she leads the rest has to be great! (Spoiler alert: was wrong.) She tells me we should finally meet next weekend. At applesbees. I meet her there and she looks BEAT. Like she had just run 5 triathalons and been awake for a week straight. Not 3 minutes into meeting and sitting down she says she has to use the restroom. She doesnt come back for 30min+. The waiter comes up and says he has seen her here multiple times and she has been known to shoot up heroin in the bathroom and pass out. Im very not into this at this point but for her own safety i ask if a waitress could peak in the bathroom and see if she is okay. She was not. She OD'd and died. So that was a thing. TLDR: my tinder date showed me her butthole then OD'd and died at Applebee's.Worst-Christmas-Presents-Ever-Received
My deadbeat dad brought nine year old girl me motel shampoo and an adult mens shirt he got for free. Wish I was joking.Most-Useless-Thing-Taught-In-School-Reddit
That your entire self worth is based off of a letter and score.Show All 28 Upvotes
Neonx • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago
Neonx • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Neonx • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Neonx • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Neonx • commented on 18 posts 3 years ago
Neonx • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
30 Well-Known People Described By Folks Who Supposedly Knew Them From School And Other Places
Oh boy finally my time to shine! I talked to a girl on tinder 8 years ago. She got drunk and told me to come over because her and friends were playing strip poker. I was on overnight duty so sadly I could not partake. 30 minutes later i recieve a picture on my phone that i couldn't even make out. I handed my phone to my roomate and asked if he could figure it out. He says "dude. Thats a butthole." It surely was. She had taken a picture of her butthole from at measly 0.5 inches away and it was so close up i could barely tell what it was. I thought to myself if this is how she leads the rest has to be great! (Spoiler alert: was wrong.) She tells me we should finally meet next weekend. At applesbees. I meet her there and she looks BEAT. Like she had just run 5 triathalons and been awake for a week straight. Not 3 minutes into meeting and sitting down she says she has to use the restroom. She doesnt come back for 30min+. The waiter comes up and says he has seen her here multiple times and she has been known to shoot up heroin in the bathroom and pass out. Im very not into this at this point but for her own safety i ask if a waitress could peak in the bathroom and see if she is okay. She was not. She OD'd and died. So that was a thing. TLDR: my tinder date showed me her butthole then OD'd and died at Applebee's. Neonx • upvoted 7 items 3 years ago
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