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Meep :b
Community Member
14 posts
1.6K points
I am boring and nobody likes me :b
Meep :b • upvoted 3 items 1 year ago
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Meep :b • upvoted 28 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Most Memorable Trick-Or-Treating Memory?
When I was in high school, me and a few friends went REVERSE trick or treating. We had a door in a door frame that we carried around, with a "please knock" note on it. We would go up to people's houses, knock on their door and put our door right in front of theirs. When they knocked back, we would open our door, give THEM candy, and tell them what cute costumes they had. It got a lot of laughs, I think both our trick-or-treating party and everyone at all the houses we visited enjoyed it.Hey Pandas, What's Your Most Memorable Trick-Or-Treating Memory?
Probably last night. 2022. I went trick or treating with my friends in another friends neighborhood. Raining. Costumes, shoes, socks, etc got soaked. We ate candy in the basement of their house while watching Nightmare Before Christmas. Most likely best Halloween memory. So far.Hey Pandas, What's Your Most Memorable Trick-Or-Treating Memory?
There was one time I trick or treated with my parents a teenage girl ran to us and screamed swears at us, and told us that somebody hit her, and someone came up and grabbed her. I honestly hope it was another teenagerShow All 28 Upvotes
Meep :b • commented on 8 posts 2 years ago
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Meep :b • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Meep :b • upvoted 8 items 1 year ago
Meep :b • upvoted 12 items 2 years ago