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2 posts
332 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
StrangeLittleThing • commented on 12 posts 3 years ago
Show All 12 Comments
StrangeLittleThing • upvoted 28 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Tell Us About Something You’re Proud Of
When some of my plants started to grow new leaves. So proud of my self. They usually just suffer and die. Poor souls.Hey Pandas, What's Your Smartest Savage Comeback?
I was about 7 months pregnant with my third child and one of the many overly intrusive strangers I had to deal with came up and actually put her hand on my belly and asked when I was due. I tried to look offended and I said "I'm not". I never actually have seen anyone turn as red as that and she seemed speechless. I just walked away.Hey Pandas, Tell Us About Something You’re Proud Of
For once I actually have a couple things, I got really good grades, a lot of positive referrals, I made it to my 15th birthday (an achievement I didn't expect to get), and my little cousins look up to me. I'm mostly proud of them though, they are much stronger then I am and I think I look up to them more than they know.Hey Pandas, Tell Us About Something You’re Proud Of
I’m proud that in my search for my forever dog 10 years ago I accidentally stumbled into foster care and right now I’m watching my 28th foster dog sleeping soundly on the floor. She’s my first hospice dog and I’ve had her 4 years, all but 1 (died unexpectedly from tick fever) found loving forever homes.Hey Pandas, Tell Us About Something You’re Proud Of
I'm proud of my friend who is starting to sleep more 😁Hey Pandas, What's Your Smartest Savage Comeback?
{for some context, my parents are in their late forties, and my mom was not at this event} My uncle and my dad were talking, and mentioned something about a nude beach. I then asked "What nude beach?" and my uncle answered "That's where your parents go in Mexico when you not invited." I then acknowledged my dad and said, "Why would they want to embarrass themselves like that?"Show All 28 Upvotes
StrangeLittleThing • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
StrangeLittleThing • submitted 6 list additions 3 years ago
StrangeLittleThing • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
StrangeLittleThing • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Tell Us About Something You’re Proud Of
When some of my plants started to grow new leaves. So proud of my self. They usually just suffer and die. Poor souls.Hey Pandas, Tell Us About Something You’re Proud Of
Straight out of HighSchool I published a book. It’s a Sci-Fi/ Horror. I hope to publish more in the future.Hey Pandas, Tell Us About Something You’re Proud Of
I'm proud of my friend who is starting to sleep more 😁Hey Pandas, Tell Us About Something You’re Proud Of
For once I actually have a couple things, I got really good grades, a lot of positive referrals, I made it to my 15th birthday (an achievement I didn't expect to get), and my little cousins look up to me. I'm mostly proud of them though, they are much stronger then I am and I think I look up to them more than they know.Hey Pandas, Tell Us About Something You’re Proud Of
I’m proud that in my search for my forever dog 10 years ago I accidentally stumbled into foster care and right now I’m watching my 28th foster dog sleeping soundly on the floor. She’s my first hospice dog and I’ve had her 4 years, all but 1 (died unexpectedly from tick fever) found loving forever homes.Hey Pandas, What's Your Smartest Savage Comeback?
I was about 7 months pregnant with my third child and one of the many overly intrusive strangers I had to deal with came up and actually put her hand on my belly and asked when I was due. I tried to look offended and I said "I'm not". I never actually have seen anyone turn as red as that and she seemed speechless. I just walked away.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
StrangeLittleThing • 28 followers