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I exist. Meow.

xcomelyCute reply
Me, I’m getting sober from several substances, I’m a mess right now, Shakey and sweaty and s****y. I was able to rise to the occasion but I was sick thro it all. It was good tho, I haven’t been sober on Christmas in at least five years may be six. Even if I was was a mess and looked and felt like a dump truck of burning diapers.

xcomelyCute reply
Me, I’m getting sober from several substances, I’m a mess right now, Shakey and sweaty and s****y. I was able to rise to the occasion but I was sick thro it all. It was good tho, I haven’t been sober on Christmas in at least five years may be six. Even if I was was a mess and looked and felt like a dump truck of burning diapers.

Pm_me_clown_pics3 reply
Me and a friend were bar hopping and she started going on a rant about how the age of consent is to protect little girls from creepy men so theres no reason it should be used against women having sex with boys. She continued that if it wasn't for prison she'd have sex with boys as young as would have her. She's in her mid 50s. The whole time i was thinking "wow, I see now why the age of consent laws go both ways.".

Pm_me_clown_pics3 reply
Me and a friend were bar hopping and she started going on a rant about how the age of consent is to protect little girls from creepy men so theres no reason it should be used against women having sex with boys. She continued that if it wasn't for prison she'd have sex with boys as young as would have her. She's in her mid 50s. The whole time i was thinking "wow, I see now why the age of consent laws go both ways.".

Hey Pandas, What Video Game Logic Makes No Sense To You?
I was playing ToTK yesterday (having beaten it many times before, I'm just joshoing around in Hyrule now, fighting, hunting, walking, etc) and wondered how Link fits all that stuff into his invisible, tiny pouch.

When I finally broke down and asked for help with my depression. Not for her to fix it, but for understanding and loving me while I tried to get help. She responded with, 'I don't care, just let me know when it's over with.'

ninetiesplease reply
When she genuinely chuckled at the sight of me crying and being upset, and then vigorously tried to hide it.
Her genuine reaction showed me she was excited at my pain. Then I realized throughout the relationship, she would cause pain, then make me feel like an a*****e for feeling emotions because it made her feel guilt and she didn't like that so f**k me for not being a cyborg.
I'm not kidding, after that moment I noped the f**k out of that relationship.

cyrus_hunter reply
For me, the first red flag was when we were joking around with one another on the couch. She threw a playful insult at me, I threw one back, and then she hauled off and slapped me in the face. There was no indication before-hand that she was like that.
I had grown up getting abused physically, and I didn't want to go back to that, so I called the evening off early and broke up with her the next day.

anon reply
Always getting their way no matter what and throwing a fit when they don't.
Holes in my condoms. Not a joke very serious.
Claimed she was having a bad day and wanted me to spend time with her. Sweet at first but when she kept on insisting on sex with no protection I drew the line.
Finally we ended up breaking up after she drew a knife on me.

III-V reply
When she went through my phone and facebook and removed my female friends. I knew that normally, that'd be grounds for leaving her, but I took pity on her because she'd been abused in the past. That was a mistake.

jaytrade21 reply
She used to find things to criticize...even though she had no business commenting on...
for example, she would ridicule my driving, yet at the time she had already lost her licence and had gotten into numerous accidents...
She would criticize my cooking because she liked to do thing her way and stand over my shoulder while doing so....
Criticize my work hours while having no job and no income and expect that we could do anything if I just worked less...

legit_muffins reply
Every single text message I got (even from family) resulted in me hiding things from her and cheating on her because I wasn't ONLY texting her. When we broke up, I did it over text out of spite.

nag404239 reply
When they start using your emotions to manipulate you. It's very subtle at first, but then it gets worse and worse. My ex girlfriend from a few years ago was abusive. I think people often overlook it when women treat men that way, and it's unfortunate because it exists more often than people think.

xcomelyCute reply
Me, I’m getting sober from several substances, I’m a mess right now, Shakey and sweaty and s****y. I was able to rise to the occasion but I was sick thro it all. It was good tho, I haven’t been sober on Christmas in at least five years may be six. Even if I was was a mess and looked and felt like a dump truck of burning diapers.

Pm_me_clown_pics3 reply
Me and a friend were bar hopping and she started going on a rant about how the age of consent is to protect little girls from creepy men so theres no reason it should be used against women having sex with boys. She continued that if it wasn't for prison she'd have sex with boys as young as would have her. She's in her mid 50s. The whole time i was thinking "wow, I see now why the age of consent laws go both ways.".

Hey Pandas, What Video Game Logic Makes No Sense To You?
I was playing ToTK yesterday (having beaten it many times before, I'm just joshoing around in Hyrule now, fighting, hunting, walking, etc) and wondered how Link fits all that stuff into his invisible, tiny pouch.