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I’m a feminist and a bookworm
Abigail • upvoted 40 items 1 year ago
Animals, Social Issues
You Can Help End The Suffering Of Millions Of Animals In The European Union By Signing This Petition
Fails, Funny
35 Outstandingly Bad GoFundMe Projects By People Who Don’t Have Any Sense Of Shame (New Pics)
Fails, Funny
45 Painfully Cringe Moments When People Thought They Knew Better, But Embarrassed Themselves Instead, As Shared On This Facebook Group (New Pics)
Person Asked “What's Something You Still Don't Understand Even After Many Different People Explain It To You?” And 30 People Confessed
Social Issues
Retired Football Player Is Shocked To See ‘Tampons For Men’ At The Store, Finally Learns What Tampons Actually Are
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Abigail • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Abigail • submitted 14 list additions 2 years ago
Abigail • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Abigail • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Social Issues
Retired Football Player Is Shocked To See ‘Tampons For Men’ At The Store, Finally Learns What Tampons Actually Are
BlackCatsAreBetter reply
How a camera works. And not as in I’m too dumb to use one but as is how the device functions.Ceyram reply
Ceyram said: Fourth dimension thinkofanamelater added: Think about describing something's location. 3d world is X, Y, and Z. So you could say "my keys are on the table, 10 ft in from the front door, 5 ft to the left, and 3ft off the ground." But you go look, and they're not there. So, add a 4th dimension to your description, when were they there? Things move about in space over a period of time; time is that fourth dimension.Heavy_Permission5704 reply
Heavy_Permission5704 said: Monopoly HandsomeHeathen added: It was supoosed to be an educational tool about how capitalism and private property ownership funnel wealth into the hands of a wealthy few, at the expense of the working class. Then a corporation copied it, rebranded that as a good thing and sold it as entertainment.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet