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the demon in your closet™
Community Member
1 posts
904 points
the demon in your closet™ • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
the demon in your closet™ • upvoted 13 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Rule Could You Not Help But Break?
I did not like reading the school reading books. We would aaaaaalways have a class discussion about how much we related to them. Which, I never did. I needed some time to plan out answers and figure out how to "appear normal" in a school full of homophobes. We weren't supposed to read ahead, but at one point I was just like "Fvck this, I'm gonna get this over with." I still do that to this day.Hey Pandas, What Rule Could You Not Help But Break?
I did not like reading the school reading books. We would aaaaaalways have a class discussion about how much we related to them. Which, I never did. I needed some time to plan out answers and figure out how to "appear normal" in a school full of homophobes. We weren't supposed to read ahead, but at one point I was just like "Fvck this, I'm gonna get this over with." I still do that to this day.Show All 13 Upvotes
the demon in your closet™ • commented on 26 posts 1 year ago
Show All 26 Comments
the demon in your closet™ • submitted a new post 1 year ago
the demon in your closet™ • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
the demon in your closet™ • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
the demon in your closet™ • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Rule Could You Not Help But Break?
I did not like reading the school reading books. We would aaaaaalways have a class discussion about how much we related to them. Which, I never did. I needed some time to plan out answers and figure out how to "appear normal" in a school full of homophobes. We weren't supposed to read ahead, but at one point I was just like "Fvck this, I'm gonna get this over with." I still do that to this day. the demon in your closet™ • is following 2 people