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just another teen
Community Member

5 posts
2.1K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

just another teen • upvoted 38 items 1 year ago

Batmans-dragon80 reply
Always be on the lookout for the nearest exit or easiest path to get away quickly.
xJD88x reply
I chose not to have kids of my own because of the trauma my parents inflicted. That one I knew about. The big one I didn't know about was masking. Always being afraid to show my own personality, likes, feelings, or interests because I subconsciously feared that people would use them to make fun of me and reject me. I also have an aversion to obese people because one babysitter I had when I was 5 thought it'd be funny to sit on me until I couldn't scream anymore. She was about 300lbs. Also not using spices on my food as an adult. Growing up in constant survival mode, food wasn't something I got to really enjoy.
jack40714 reply
Overthinking. Predicting and preparing for worst case scenarios. Having a higher tolerance for situations while also falling apart over tiny things. Refusing to let people stand behind me. Lack of trust for others. Being very prepared for people to drop and leave me without reason or warning. Oh I forgot to mention you develop a physical need to help others. You want nothing more than to make others happy to avoid or overcome ever feeling as you do. No matter what it costs you. And you hope that you can make up for whatever it is you did to deserve it all.
anon reply
I keep saying sorry to every little inconveniences or anytime I feel like I’m bothering someone.
LateNightCityLights reply
Getting overly attached to people way to quickly, which usually pushes them away and just destroys me over and over again.
VelvetEden254 reply
Yelling and door slamming still gets me, at 37. Even if I know I didn't do anything wrong, a slammed door - even an accidental one - makes me jump out of my skin. Also, speed reading. My mother "helped" me to learn to read. Her method was: one wrong word, one slap. I learned to read fast, so I can get away quicker.
i_notold reply
I(m54) always have it in the back of my mind that anyone who says they love me has an ulterior motive.
PigWithAWoodenLeg reply
Something I do that I recently learned other people don't do is constantly pay attention to my surroundings. I listen for footsteps, doors opening and closing, people's voices, water running in the pipes, cars pulling into the driveway, on and on. As a kid I needed to know who was in my house and what they were doing.
excusemeprincess reply
I realized I’m toxically independent. I have an extremely hard time asking for help because I never had it.
metal_ogre reply
I do not prioritize myself. Be it health, time, or necessities. Everyone else in my life is ahead of me in the queue. This makes me seem incredibly helpful. Being helpful allows me to be present without being a target. Being helpful allows me to avoid my own problems because I'm too busy helping everyone else with theirs. Being helpful allows me to feel valuable instead of expendable. The only time I ever really take care of myself is if I know it will impact my ability to take care of someone else. It's the only way I've found to make healthier choices, and it's still barely enough.
peaceatthebeach reply
Never wants to go home, doesn’t like bringing their spouse as plus one, speaking poorly of spouse, future plans sound more “I” than “We”, and lack of excitement around the holidaysShow All 38 Upvotes

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just another teen • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago

just another teen • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

xJD88x reply
I chose not to have kids of my own because of the trauma my parents inflicted. That one I knew about. The big one I didn't know about was masking. Always being afraid to show my own personality, likes, feelings, or interests because I subconsciously feared that people would use them to make fun of me and reject me. I also have an aversion to obese people because one babysitter I had when I was 5 thought it'd be funny to sit on me until I couldn't scream anymore. She was about 300lbs. Also not using spices on my food as an adult. Growing up in constant survival mode, food wasn't something I got to really enjoy.
VelvetEden254 reply
Yelling and door slamming still gets me, at 37. Even if I know I didn't do anything wrong, a slammed door - even an accidental one - makes me jump out of my skin. Also, speed reading. My mother "helped" me to learn to read. Her method was: one wrong word, one slap. I learned to read fast, so I can get away quicker.
Batmans-dragon80 reply
Always be on the lookout for the nearest exit or easiest path to get away quickly.
i_notold reply
I(m54) always have it in the back of my mind that anyone who says they love me has an ulterior motive.
LateNightCityLights reply
Getting overly attached to people way to quickly, which usually pushes them away and just destroys me over and over again.
PigWithAWoodenLeg reply
Something I do that I recently learned other people don't do is constantly pay attention to my surroundings. I listen for footsteps, doors opening and closing, people's voices, water running in the pipes, cars pulling into the driveway, on and on. As a kid I needed to know who was in my house and what they were doing.
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