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Reese2906Hi • upvoted 26 items 2 years ago
Being Searched Because One's ID Was Only A Permit
They searched me when I was 18 and flying alone and said it was because my ID was only a permit. When I went to my connection airport, I told a black TSA women "Do you need to pat me down again because i Have a permit like the last airport?" She looked at me and sighed "No honey. Thats not a thing".obscure-animal-facts
There is a genus of frog called "Mini". There are only three frogs in the genus, and their scientific names are all puns: Mini mum, Mini ature and Mini scule.People Are Bursting With Laughter At These 30 Photography Memes, Shared By This Dedicated Instagram Page
In Avatar (2009), Not Only Are The Aliens From Pandora Blue, But All The Humans And Objects Are Also Blue Because I Need To Fix The Rgb Settings On My TV.
In Avatar (2009), not only are the aliens from Pandora blue, but all the humans and objects are also blue because I need to fix the RGB settings on my TVIn Iron Man (2008) One Of The Characters Tries To Steal The Heart Of The Main Character But It Isn't Considered A Romantic Movie.
In Iron Man (2008) one of the characters tries to steal the heart of the main character but it isn't considered a romantic movieIn This Scene From The Shining (1980), Richard Hallorann Says "...they Turned Out To Be Completely Unreliable A**holes." This Is A Reference To My "Friend" Brad And His Sister Who Forgot To Pick Me Up From The Airport Today. I'm Posting This From A $150 Uber.
In this scene from The Shining (1980), Richard Hallorann says "...they turned out to be completely unreliable a**holes." This is a reference to my "friend" Brad and his sister who forgot to pick me up from the airport today. I'm posting this from a $150 UberShow All 26 Upvotes
Reese2906Hi • commented on 14 posts 2 years ago
Show All 14 Comments
Reese2906Hi • submitted 4 new posts 3 years ago
Reese2906Hi • submitted 8 list additions 3 years ago
Reese2906Hi • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Reese2906Hi • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Being Searched Because One's ID Was Only A Permit
They searched me when I was 18 and flying alone and said it was because my ID was only a permit. When I went to my connection airport, I told a black TSA women "Do you need to pat me down again because i Have a permit like the last airport?" She looked at me and sighed "No honey. Thats not a thing".obscure-animal-facts
There is a genus of frog called "Mini". There are only three frogs in the genus, and their scientific names are all puns: Mini mum, Mini ature and Mini scule.People Are Bursting With Laughter At These 30 Photography Memes, Shared By This Dedicated Instagram Page
In Iron Man (2008) One Of The Characters Tries To Steal The Heart Of The Main Character But It Isn't Considered A Romantic Movie.
In Iron Man (2008) one of the characters tries to steal the heart of the main character but it isn't considered a romantic movieIn This Scene From The Shining (1980), Richard Hallorann Says "...they Turned Out To Be Completely Unreliable A**holes." This Is A Reference To My "Friend" Brad And His Sister Who Forgot To Pick Me Up From The Airport Today. I'm Posting This From A $150 Uber.
In this scene from The Shining (1980), Richard Hallorann says "...they turned out to be completely unreliable a**holes." This is a reference to my "friend" Brad and his sister who forgot to pick me up from the airport today. I'm posting this from a $150 UberIn Avatar (2009), Not Only Are The Aliens From Pandora Blue, But All The Humans And Objects Are Also Blue Because I Need To Fix The Rgb Settings On My TV.
In Avatar (2009), not only are the aliens from Pandora blue, but all the humans and objects are also blue because I need to fix the RGB settings on my TV Reese2906Hi • is following 3 people
Reese2906Hi • 49 followers