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unseeable mouse
Community Member
Started account: 4/21/23 Ello! Just a crafty girl that loves to draw dragons,birds,dogs,horses, and sometimes donkeys! I love to do origami! :) Even tho I like that stuff i'm not very good at it. :-: ANWAYZ I WISH U AN AMAZING DAY/NIGHT!!! <3 Also why do I exist. Dunno either way I follow back if u care.Sometimes I downvote things but I swear its not on purpose. I follow other mice. Also follow my fellow rodents. >:0 Tell me when u follow me so I can follow u. Wonderful pfp by GhostlySnail!!!! :DI try my very best to be positive. :) This acc is not going to be active soon but maybe I will come back....still...dont be afraid to respond or upvote my stuff? (Surprise:Im bad at spelling and punctuation!!) A random teen ig :P
Going away for the summer! Will try my best to be back.