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Hi! I like House Of Leaves, sarcastic/dark humor jokes, and tons of different tv shows. A Chaotic Neutral Atheist. Go here for some adorable eye-bleach: ^^ I am sure it would make your day!
18 Gifts That’ll Make Your Artsy Friend Swoon And Score You All Of The Brownie Points
18 Gifts That’ll Make Your Artsy Friend Swoon And Score You All Of The Brownie Points
TheRealOcsiban reply
The Supreme Court is essentially on the ballot but most people don't think about that. They think they're just voting for president, but balance of power on the court is what's truly at stake. Several justices will likely retire in the next 4 years and the president appoints them.
Tired_Lambchop111 reply
Griffith University Queensland, Australia are about to start human trails on groundbreaking research into regenerating nerves in spinal cord injuries.