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Hi! I'm Eleanor, I'm a 14y/o bi Christian asthmatic amateur actress. I support trans rights, gay rights, women's rights, all that malarkey. I am a total nerd, especially when it comes to Greek mythology, especially Athena - major bookworm as well. I even play D&D so I'm officially nerdy lol. I have two cats, two siblings and two eyes. I'm left handed and asthmatic and I like dolphins. hablo espanol. I'm enfp but also half the time I'm like a stereotypical quiet scholarly nerd which is a vibe. Chemistry GCSE is killing me but it's ok because Richard Osmon just wrote another book <3
I can't really think of anything else to say so bye! Please follow me because it makes me feel loved <3 Also shoutout to AnarchyTheArsonist and Ravaola who are my besties irl! Go follow them bcs they're cool :)