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a guy with a hat
Community Member
2 posts
275 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
a guy with a hat • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Show All 20 Comments
a guy with a hat • submitted 8 list additions 3 years ago
a guy with a hat • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, How’s Life Going At The Moment?
my life aint to good. i recently asked out my crush and 2 days in to dating she dumped me because people were spreading lies and rumors and i have lost faith in most people im trying not to touch potentially lethal objects or go near thing that could hurt me or anyone else. i hate people talking to me in person and now i have to pretend to be happy because its my friends b-day tomorrow so yeah.Hey Pandas, How’s Life Going At The Moment?
my life aint to good. i recently asked out my crush and 2 days in to dating she dumped me because people were spreading lies and rumors and i have lost faith in most people im trying not to touch potentially lethal objects or go near thing that could hurt me or anyone else. i hate people talking to me in person and now i have to pretend to be happy because its my friends b-day tomorrow so yeah.Show All 9 Upvotes
a guy with a hat • submitted a new post 3 years ago
a guy with a hat • started following 2 people 3 years ago
a guy with a hat • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
a guy with a hat • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
a guy with a hat • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
a guy with a hat • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, How’s Life Going At The Moment?
my life aint to good. i recently asked out my crush and 2 days in to dating she dumped me because people were spreading lies and rumors and i have lost faith in most people im trying not to touch potentially lethal objects or go near thing that could hurt me or anyone else. i hate people talking to me in person and now i have to pretend to be happy because its my friends b-day tomorrow so yeah. a guy with a hat • is following 11 people
a guy with a hat • 27 followers