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Bobetta the Wizard
Community Member
A teenage girl from Lancashire, England who loves to read and learn. Loves Marine Biology and psychology. A definite dog person( sorry all cat people out there. Please take this into consideration. Friendly reminder: downvotes are NOT dislike buttons. Downvoting a comment just because you don't agree = not cool. If a comment gets downvoted, its author will get banned from the site. So please downvote only in case of obvious spam ("how to make cash") or if someone is literally harrassing a fellow panda
Jncocontrol reply
I'm half deaf, I was in social studies class, my teacher asked me a question, didn't hear her I said " what", she yelled at the top of her lungs " will you f*****g listen!" After that day I told her, once she dies I plan on pissing on her grave, I still plan on doing thatseanmarshall reply
In about 91, I was starting to get into animals, specifically marine animals. I wanted to be a marine biologist so i thought. Junior year in HS we all knew we had to do a bug collection. So I went on a family trip out of state and collected bugs in preparation. I put a lot of time into it. Mr Cope, the worst biology teacher ever, failed me because “I could not have collected bugs he’d never seen”. Completely shattered my confidence and desire to peruse science of any sort. F**k you Mr Cope.Ohhmegawd reply
At the end of my first week at a new school, the teacher handed out slips of paper with our current grade. I had a solid A at my old school, but the teacher said I had an F. I asked her why. She said I didn't hand in the quarter project. I reminded her I had just moved to the school. She said we would give me the weekend to do it. The project was to interview a longtime local resident and write a paper about their experiences. The articles were being collected for a book she was "writing." I failed the class.croustashun reply
My third grade bully got mad because I didn’t want to include her in my version of tag game. She went to the teacher and told on me and then it had to be announced in front of the class that my game was officially banned. F**k you and your big onion head, Rayna.spaghettihax763 reply
That influencer who jumped into the alligator habitat at Busch Gardens, now there's a big chain link fence and you can't see the alligators anymoreSufficient_Gain_1164 reply
Not one person but two people ruined my work’s break room. I work at a YMCA as a swim instructor, so two people decided to [make love] in their break room at a different Y in another city. Apparently the higher ups decided that every other YMCA in the area or state should lose their break rooms because “it could happen again.” Like yeah, it could happen again but don’t take our break rooms away, at least get rid of theirs and not ours! It’s so frustrating, now when we’re all cold and damp in between lessons, and after lessons are done, we can sit in the lobby, or sit somewhere on the pool deck which takes away spots for kids or parents. Thanks Milcreek YMCA, you guys suck, go somewhere else and have sex but don’t do it at the Y!