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I am a 13 year old from south Australia, Australia. I love netball, painting and animals specifically marine life!
kazu-sama reply
Having to tell a good friend of mine that his wife was cheating on him, and showing him the proof. I loathed having to be the one to tell him, but I knew he would want to know.
Called him up about 3 days (I think?) after seeing his wife, with a guy that was not him, being really handsy and making out in a bar. Had taken a couple quick pics and a short video for proof, and called him to come hangout because I had something important I needed to discuss with him. I wanted to tell him in person so I could be there if needed, rather than just over the phone. Went about as well as you’d expect, and he was divorced a couple months later. Thankfully they didn’t have kids yet, and due to the pics and video, she didn’t make off with a lot of his stuff.
goodpeopleskills reply
Working as a case worker, having to explain to a little seven year old girl in foster care her adoptive family changed their minds. Family didn’t even show up for the conversation. She had been living with them already. I hugged her as she just cried.
She found her forever family a year later, so there was a happy ending for her.
kazu-sama reply
Having to tell a good friend of mine that his wife was cheating on him, and showing him the proof. I loathed having to be the one to tell him, but I knew he would want to know.
Called him up about 3 days (I think?) after seeing his wife, with a guy that was not him, being really handsy and making out in a bar. Had taken a couple quick pics and a short video for proof, and called him to come hangout because I had something important I needed to discuss with him. I wanted to tell him in person so I could be there if needed, rather than just over the phone. Went about as well as you’d expect, and he was divorced a couple months later. Thankfully they didn’t have kids yet, and due to the pics and video, she didn’t make off with a lot of his stuff.
goodpeopleskills reply
Working as a case worker, having to explain to a little seven year old girl in foster care her adoptive family changed their minds. Family didn’t even show up for the conversation. She had been living with them already. I hugged her as she just cried.
She found her forever family a year later, so there was a happy ending for her.
smellslikebeans00 reply
Volunteering at a library comicon event and my mom was wondering what all the wolves were from… Furries Mom. They were furries.
RadioCrash reply
My ex-boyfriend's 7 year old daughter asked me what happens when we die. He wasn't home, and I knew her mom was religious and I am not. THAT was awkward to navigate.
I hope I did an okay job and I hope she's doing well now.
Homo_erotic_toile reply
When my mom first got Instagram I explained what hashtags were. A bit later she mentioned that she had been followed by several men she didn't know who had women's feet as their profile pictures.
I went and looked on her profile and she had posted a picture of her feet in a foot bath and hashtagged "footbath" and "tiredfeet"
I had to explain foot fetishes to my mom.
Charming_Cry3472 reply
I work with special needs kids and the parents asked me when their child would "grow out of Downs Syndrome" had to explain that they would not.
Gee Whiz, I Sure Hate Being Able To See Anything At All While Driving At Night So Thanks For Illuminating My Visibility To Zero!
Equivalent_Fee4670 reply
One of those gimmicky acne lights that did absolutely nothing to help my acne. When I opened it I cried. I was probably thirteen.
Fast_Pain9951 reply
True story. I was storing some boxes of things I didn't want anymore in a shed at my boyfriends house. I was going to put it all in a yard sale eventually. I went to his parents house for their family Christmas later that year. Every person that opened a gift from him were items from my yard sale stuff. To say I was humiliated would be an understatement.