Christmas time is a joyful time, full of lights and colors. But wouldn’t it be great if we’d take some moments off this joy, unwrap the tree off lights, colorful and joyful decorations and reflect on the black and white “reality” of a recent past?

Of a past where believing in Christmas and celebrating it could have cost you your life? Of a past where communism star, with the hammer and sickle, replaced the Christmas peaceful star? Prison chains in the place of garlands and instead of Christmas ornaments, portraits of the communism martyrs and paper boats, symbols of the much-desired freedom. A desire that the luckiest could fulfill, but that would cost others their lives.

A poor, simple, grey “Christmas” tree and beneath her a few “gifts”, wrapped with dictators empty words. Locked up, prohibited. Communism, this common “ism” that likewise any other “isms” (from Nazism to Fascism) have cost so much to the world.